What is self-defense?

Before starting to give a meaning or at least be as assertive as possible, we must take into account that a single word can be understood in several ways. That is, all people have different criteria according to our learning, experiences and personal development before life. Reasons why the assessments differ in each individual.

An example of this would be to gather a hundred people and ask them what does the word spirituality mean? Perhaps, thirty-five would say that it is God, another twenty are skeptical, fifteen would name great prophets of history and the remaining thirty would mention yoga.

It is for this reason, the importance of truthful information that rescues the symbols of any historical subject whose intention is to maintain the same line of thoughts and thus be able to avoid to the maximum the possible confusions that distort the truth. And for this it is necessary to understand first how are the meanings born?

In the case of personal defense, its beginning was never a story written by Hollywood with beautiful fantasies and choreographic planned with aesthetic styles of struggles and much less with spiritual arguments of plastic fabrication of mysticism in order to engage fans of this kind of movies.

Thanks to the great efforts of science, valuable information has been collected about our first ancestors about their lifestyle and behavior, archaeological discoveries being the great motivation to understand our roots that show with tangible facts that man since its inception they made artifacts both for hunting and for their defense, either by attacks of an animal or human nature and, therefore, these groups were based on the practice and improvement of the use of their weapons.

One could say then and even assure, that the meaning of personal defense, is born along with the evolution of man thanks to the instincts and reasoning of the adversities of an environment, from the beginning of any era.

However, it is unforgivable to ignore the big questions of how? And because? Evolved the weapons and fighting styles behind them.

The most forceful analysis to explain this fact would be from the creation of the first tools and the evolution of the reasoning of our ancestors who discover on their own the imperative need to obtain great wealth, or what they considered to be it at that time, dedicating all their efforts in the construction of new, mostly lethal contraptions and their maneuvers that will ensure the path to their goal.

Also, it is worth mentioning the counterpart of some writings that demonstrate the existence of peaceful and neutral civilizations, considered as isolated communities dedicated to agriculture and livestock for their own subsistence that did everything possible to stay out of the battles and that despite They were not exempt from the looting and violations of those who discovered them, which is why they were forced to develop defense strategies to safeguard their lives and possessions.

In short and in a few words, the art of hand-to-hand combat and the use of any type of weapons is born, from the conflicts created by the interests of man and the defense of the groups attacked.

The harsh truth is that any country has had a war history with a dark background in most cases. If we leave aside the educational fiction and the romantic value of the national symbolism, which are only a mechanism of cheap manipulation to fall into the networks of nationalism. We would understand that the human being has been subjugated by false ideas for a long time and it is no secret to anyone that, the real story has been based on wars, colonization and bloodshed by the whims of the high command with power, who execute orders behind of a table.

Despite its history, it is impossible to stop admiring the art and form of self-defense, no matter what the name or style is practiced, all have great details and beauty coupled with the autochthonous mystique of those great observers and analysts who they devised it, bequeathing to the future a lifestyle and at the same time a tool for those who believe in its evolution, since new forms and styles of more current fights have been developed, based on analysis and studies that prove the necessity of changes that are more appropriate to reality.

Today the concept of personal defense has been distorted in a great way, and defined as, the style and manner of repelling an attack to safeguard integrity, although, it is not so far from reality, this explanation is nothing more than a simple summarized stereotype leaving aside its real essence, ignoring elements that make it up.

The word personal defense, goes beyond a simple meaning, not only is a structure of tactics or styles, it has to do more with intelligence, common sense and a training mostly aimed at reality focusing situations and circumstances for good management of stress, knowing when to act and when not, studying and understanding what civil protection is, motivating discipline, knowing the use of elements, understanding the laws of the country, positive and assertive direction of the student's psychology, action and reaction, discipline, physical education, fundamentals of training, history, philosophy, physical motor balance, recognition of skills, strategies and fight.

In detail, it is the set of recapitulations supported by solid analysis to avoid or confront and act in a dangerous situation, or any kind of external nature that threatens life, not only based on the fight, but also any circumstance. A simple example would be distraction and crossing a busy street, to name one of many situations.

The personal defense should not be connoted only as the art of the fight, this word includes a myriad of tactical situations ranging from the simple to the extreme, from the every day to the inopportune, when speaking of any external nature refers to all possible causes that could hurt or cause death.

Kicking, hitting, flipping, strangle or use weapons, do not ensure that they are the only tools to defend your own security space, you must also take into account all the factors that entail and this is only achieved with training and proper education of civil prevention.

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