The healthy mind

How many times have we seen on television, in magazines and even on the Internet nutrition systems that ensure a better quality of life or miraculous products to grow muscles and look strong, healthy and more attractive or the insistent marketing of creams, tonics and solutions to rejuvenate with the guarantee of looking better in three weeks?
It could be that a large sector of the market does not consume these products and another sector is diverted to acquire the newest and with greater offers to look good, but despite this, regardless of whether there are consumers or not, the information will remain in our subconscious with the false idea that health is synonymous with a esthetics.

Nowadays and thanks to the media, the concept of health is more directed towards banality with somewhat suspicious promises, suggesting almost obliged to think that toned bodies and youth are the main basis of well-being; creating in society an equivocal and confused thinking without the right to differentiate between both contexts.

To talk about health, you would have to touch several issues since it covers a large number of variables, but considering that such information must be evidently and concise, it could be summarized in three basic concepts known as:
Exercise, food and above all a healthy mind.

Deepening in this last topic and being the most underestimated by all, the importance of a healthy mind has to do with almost all our health; What good is having a well-fed and tanned athletic body if the mind is a mess? The funny thing is that there is no product to rejuvenate the brain or at least keep it stable ...

In modern times, the hustle and bustle are present in the daily awakening, accompanied by worries that are very difficult to separate from thoughts; affecting the mood of anyone and that, in general, they are of different types such as:

Family, economic, work and even social; being the engine that drives the monotonous mechanism of actions when you open your eyes every morning.

Many times the diseases are represented in a psychosomatic way and they are detonated by the great accumulation of thoughts becoming a great load that is carried in the back.

Despite the advances and technology; Modern times no longer ensure rational stability. The current society, in its great majority of the population, has changed its way of being and seeing life, transforming itself into robots with fixed thoughts and aggressive tones before others; besides selfish and indifferent behaviors before the misfortune of others. All thanks to a tax system, that has separated us little by little from our nature.

Certainly, living is not only a great journey, but it also entails a host of experiences that are often pleasant and other impacting that mark behavior, leaving scars in our learning. But it is the responsibility of each one to keep their feet firmly on the ground, without excuses or justifications, with the firm awareness that any positive change begins first with oneself.

An undisciplined mind can create labyrinths of thoughts that end in dirty games that betray reality. There is a very old oriental proverb, which demonstrates with wisdom the aforementioned and that reads as follows:

Many years ago, a baker lived in a small town; every day at an early hour, bake the bread very hurried as always to deliver it to his loyal customers, with great security and experience pack your product and place it in a firm basket and well anchored to your bike to go to their various destinations. On the road and pedaling with great enthusiasm he did not notice that there was a hole in the ground, with great fear the baker falls to the ground along with his craft on the false mud soil, disoriented, gets up, and the first thing he observes is his humble transport in very poor condition; with his shaking right hand he takes the disfigured rim product of his accident and instinctively turns slightly and watches with his eyes full of tears his dirty and spoiled product. He spontaneously expels his great anger, exclaiming ... Now, what shall I do? I have no money to fix my bicycle ... and for worse, I lost the capital of the bread that I bake with sacrifice ... besides no one will lend me the money I need to recover the investment ... I do not have a family or anyone to support me ... I am sick and old and I do not they will give work nowhere ... why does everything bad happen to me?

As in everything, both in real life and in the wise proverbs there are morals, but only a healthy mind, will objectively analyze the resolution of any situation quickly and assertively.

Our actor, he thought with anger and sadness, so his analysis was not rational or correct, he only saw his misfortune accompanied by his ego, falling into an endless well of his own fiction away from reality.

Of all the problems that this character exclaimed, the only situation was his lack of will, the other penalties are a game that his own mind created. The conclusive analysis would be that, without a transport, the bread would not arrive in time for the distance and it would be delivered cold and hard so that nobody would buy the merchandise again, the friends and the family are not obligated to lend money, that's not why They are bad people, they also have their setbacks, old age is not related to the disease so the baker could not pedal and the worst never happened to our protagonist, because he was not injured or in the worst case, invalid.

The ego plays a very important role in our mental instability, and one could even claim that it is the worst of the evils, for being the constructor and inventor of additional and non-existent annoyances that usually cause a depression and even the action of extreme cases in many individuals.

Being objective, it is very difficult to believe that an entrepreneur does not have a toolbox regardless of whether the company is small; in case you have to repair your oven and your table where you make your product, so, with your humble team could repair the tire and solve the first problem.

In short, human beings are conditioned not only to live a complicated life but also to cloud on our own the direction of a good path, forgetting daily that our existence is temporary, wasting time in sufferings and complaints that do not lead to any place.

Reaching a healthy mind is not an easy task, but neither is it impossible. It is not about magic formulas or miracle pills; it is simply about making the decision of who you want to be or how to live, without falling into self-pity. It is to understand that each one is a builder of his own destiny, and it will probably be necessary to stop from time to time to organize the ideas and not fall into the error of the baker.

To think positively, it is necessary to change habits and for this it is necessary to start with the basics, however, it will seem silly to say that cleaning the room or house at least twice a week will not be at all related to get a healthy mind, but if we understand the depth of the message the conclusion would be that doing everything that is not to our liking will grow the will and therefore will be strengthened every day in practice and will gradually diminish the justifications for not doing it, which is a logical rule to survive in a system as hard as in which currently lives.

In the same way that society teaches to implant negative thoughts and even in many cases exaggerated thanks to the repetition of harmful prayers that are impregnated in the subconscious, you should look for the way to soak up with reflections and mostly coherent analysis that gives the turn so sought after to maintain a healthy mind.
The adventurer does not think about taking money or a lot of clothes to his desired trip, he only lets himself be transferred by his motivation to know new places and obtain new knowledge despite his fears and what they will say about a society that considers everything that They do not dare to do.

Being afraid is part of everyone and logically there are doubts in many situations and more when you assume a great responsibility, but, if you were to listen for a moment; maybe the same fear would say that he is a great friend and tries to advise to dissipate the little clouds of confusion. As strange as it may seem, it is important that you live in a healthy mind to calibrate the ideas as if it were the receiving antenna that indicates where to take a better direction; preventing scenarios that unravel our desired goals or actions.

It is very common for fear to be confused with fear. Although there is an abysmal difference between the two is that the first is an alert that keeps the feet on the ground and the other paralyzes all actions and wills, demolishing with pessimism any achievement or opportunity that gives life itself, stopping all activity to feed the comfort of not wanting to do anything, affirming, again and again, the lamentation

If you think with a healthy mind, the actions would be most cautious, clever and intelligent at the time of directing the desired projects both personal and professional, but also would be accepted in a scientific way the defeats, reorganizing a new execution plan to resume the plans, until approaching the achievements.

Perhaps for many, this is nothing more than a simple and philosophical idea far removed from the dark political, economic and contradictory reality of humanity, as it is a time of conflict and disorder with so much violence, wars, and hidden slave tendencies. And it is true ... it is not easy to maintain a healthy mind, but it should also be an obligation for everyone or at least try to educate the thoughts not only for their own benefit but also for others and not be with the arms folded looking for of absurd exits like the consumption of drugs, making more and more sick the cities and even the whole planet, or quarreling with the driver who is ahead because he cannot turn right with his vehicle for the simple reason of giving way to an old woman or Maybe spying on the neighbor who bought the latest television model to hate him and envy his new acquisition ...

If it was true that trying to maintain a healthy mind is difficult because of all the circumstances that are experienced and heard daily, then the theory of life would be that every human being that inhabits the globe prefers to live in lamentation and pity only because It is easier and it does not take much effort, which, suffering and being visceral is fashion, and we all must follow the trend.

The normal thing is to accept the criterion of the conformist fool who says, you can not ... and the abnormal thing is to pay attention to the successful one who gives the opportunity to test the skills.
It seems to be a game of words and at the same time contradictory, that would be represented in obviating a great majority that is not satisfied with their current lifestyle and at the same time ignore the examples of a few who did manage to change their course thanks to their dreams and that to this day they carry out their activities with enthusiasm.

A blunder, is to let others think about the direction of our lives, the only valid decision is your own, regardless of whether you make mistakes or not, because that is where the secret of being alive is born and is to learn And although it will not be a simple task, only those who change their thoughts can reach the place they visualized despite the many obstacles that they faced.

Battles there are many, and little by little they must win some and accept the defeats of others, but with the firm idea that the harvest that will be collected by the efforts and sacrifices that were offered will be thanks to the will to always move forward keeping a healthy mind.

But, if there is a little doubt in these humble words in your thoughts and you prefer to do nothing and dedicate yourself to the easy life, then a healthy mind is not for you, even if that is your decision you will be respected, just try to respect the path of whoever wants to make a difference because there are already many conformists, but brave are few and that is what this world needs.


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