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Selling products online is not an easy task. Most people think it’s a matter of developing a website and posting photos then calling on people to buy. No, it’s not. It’s an art that calls for a rare mastery.
For a product to make it to the SEO and be ranked high enough, its listing details must be right. Not forgetting the product description that dictates how far a product goes in terms of online marketing. With a simple description, its benefits, explain the product’s make, price and its purpose or its use to a customer.
Below are 7 techniques that get sales for your product online.

  1. Focus on your ideal/Target customer
    There is no day you will satisfy everyone online. As you structure your product description, you must be both intentional and focused on your target group. Do a research on their shopping behavior, how they spend, their preferences and at times their needs at the age they are in. Be deliberate in your message and meet them at the point of their need. When this is achieved, sales are easily realized.

  2. Showcase what’s in it for them
    Be elaborate and truthful. After all, you are not in for sales alone but to build a brand that will precede you. Give the right information and let them know the exact use and benefit of the product. Convincingly let them know why it’s the best choice in a pool of many. Integrity is key at this point. Don’t hide charges in many words.
    Be upfront from the word go. Once clients understand what is offered, they compare with their needs and then go on a sale. At times, the price may not matter if the product is what a client exactly needs.

  3. Define the flow and the tone of your voice
    Very interestingly, clients can tell a fake from a distance. They can recognize a lie, in your very first words. They know who knows what they are selling from the authority and confidence in your writing. Be friendly.
    When we were growing up, there was a phrase that said, ‘a customer is always right’. Have such an attitude when persuading clients but with a limit too. Structure your information professionally and watch your sales go up. Remember, its the results at the end the day that will matter most.

  4. Include a high visual format
    We all love what we see. We believe more when evidence is displayed. Not many clients will buy what they cannot see. As a marketer, you must be very professional in the way you present your product.
    According to research, people read only 16% of the words on an average web page. Always use an easy-to-scan and easy-to-read format. Make the subheadings bigger and bolder to help an easy scheme –through.
    Use clear pictures and videos. Whether its food, clothes or tech gadgets, show how the product exactly looks like, its parts and even a guide on how to assemble it.
    Include photos of other clients using it if you can. This helps the clients to know exactly what they are purchasing.

  5. Avoid Purple Prose
    As a marketer, always avoid too many words that take away the attention and the purpose in a product description. Let’s say, there is a jargon for every writer. In marketing, the purpose is to sell a product. Stick strictly to that. Give stories elsewhere. Give the client a reason to make up their mind and buy your product in the simplest of words. Stay away from bland and superlative words that add nothing to the description of your product. Be very specific.

  6. Persuade with sensory stimulating words
    As I said earlier, marketing online is an art that works on creativity and presentation of information. The words and the tone that you use to make all the difference.
    According to Enchanting Marketing, “Sensory words are descriptive — they describe how we experience the world: how we smell, see, hear, feel or taste something. Words related to sight indicate colors, shape or appearance.” Think: gloomy, fluffy, tingling, zesty, soaring etc.
    This means that, even in business, sensory words must be used to persuade and convince clients. In fact, it’s been proven that sensory words increase sales because they engage more brain processing power. They add personality and flavor to otherwise boring content. The stimulate emotions that lead to attachment to the product. Be creative and appeal to the deep feelings of the clients for better sales.

  7. Optimize search engines
    Once you get it right, ensure to use catchy phrases that will ensure your products are easily found by the client searching for them. The entrepreneur says that “when you write for your buyer persona and use the phrases he/she uses, you’re automatically optimizing your product descriptions for search engines, as these are phrases he/she will use during searches on Google. Make sure to incorporate these keywords into the headline, subheading and body text.
    Optimize your product images and videos by using the keywords in the file description and tags.
    The reason for using all the above techniques in product descriptions is to engage, persuade, and sell. Let your product description entice readers to make up their mind and buy your product and services. For product listings, ensure your company’s personality and culture is incorporated into your brand.

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