What secret is the supermarket you do not know? Master these moves away from the shopping trap


As people become more and more healthy, the safety of food is also more and more concerned about. Shoddy food not only related to people's health, often with people's lives and safety are closely related, so the right to firmly determine the authenticity of food significance. So, in life, how should people identify fake and shoddy food side, so as not to be deceived?


In the procurement of food, first of all to see its color, if too bright and unnatural, try not to buy. Such as some unscrupulous traders in some fruit or snacks in the unrestrained add artificial colors, in order to maintain the appearance of the bright colors. Although many additives and artificial colors are non-toxic, but this synthetic pigment or eat less good.

Anti "white"

Color too white food should not choose, especially some pasta. The flour contains a small amount of carotene, so bread, Hanamaki, bean curd and other pasta slightly yellow is normal, if too white may be added whitening agent, and excessive addition of brightener on the human digestive system and liver Cause damage.

Anti "

Here the "long" refers to the shelf life of food. For long shelf life of food, need to beware of excessive preservatives inside, to know that long-term consumption of foods containing large amounts of preservatives is detrimental to health. In addition, the loss of food nutrients and shelf life is often proportional to the extension, that is, the longer the shelf life of food, the more nutrient loss. Such as protein may be in the role of bacteria and enzymes under the loss, and vitamin C, B1, D and pantothenic acid will lose more.

In addition, it is recommended that you in the online shopping food, you should remember to see whether the operator has a business license, and try to buy large enterprises production, regular brand of goods. After the arrival of online shopping food, pay attention to see whether the food packaging logo is complete, there are hanging product name, QS logo, ingredients list, net content, factory name, site, telephone, production date, shelf life, product standard number and other content is marked, Of course, do not forget to see the food production date and shelf life.

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