Today I go to the market

In our Taizhou, people shopping habits is 2 times a week, Small traders everyday pulling the goods, going to different towns,People will go the market to sell agricultural products, this day a lot of people, very lively, a little Chinese New Year atmosphere, I took some photos to eat,I think you have not seen
在我们台州人们购物的习惯是一周2次, 商贩都是流动的,一周7天,拉着货物要去7个不同的乡镇,人们会把自己种植采摘的农产品拿到集市去卖,这一天人也很多,很热闹,有点过年的气氛,我拍了一些照片

This is the business in selling things
这是忽悠老百姓买东西,60块钱,卖洗发水,一个铁盘,还送一桶食用油,哪有那么好的事呀,全是地沟油. 但这些老爷爷奶奶就是这么好骗

This is our well - known spicy tofu, a can of 50 yuan

Mold tofu,Sauce dry,Salted fish, rice cakes,I bought a few crabs
霉豆腐,酱干,咸鱼, 我买了几只螃蟹

Just back home, dug a few sweet potatoes :)
刚刚回到家,挖了几棵红薯 :)

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