Unexpected - They temporarily suspended the law that made the jab mandatory for all adults in Austria

Hero's face, when I told him they suspended the mandate. He was just as surprised as I was.

All of a sudden, just days before they would have started to actually fine people, the gov temporarily suspended the mandatory jab law. They said they will suspend it for 3 months, and then they will review it and activate it again if necessary. Of course, some of these politicians made a point to keep the threat going and said that this was not the end of the mandate!

The gov was also upset that their threats since November didn't make the unjabbed cave in. Only a small number of people, who were unjabbed, actually got the jab within the months since November. Despite the severe restrictions and locking down the unjabbed, and all the threats, the majority of us didn't cave in.
Also, there is a large number of people who didn't go for their 3rd jabs either. These people would have been fined as well, but didn't cave. In all, there is a huge number of the population who does not want any jabs.

The mainstream media is now promptly cov fearmongering again, complaining about the suspended mandate, since the "cases" are skyrocketing again, they say. But of course they will not mention who is actually getting sick. It's not the unjabbed. Hardly anyone I know, knows anyone who had cov, or was very sick from it. But we all know plenty of people who are unwell or disabled after the jabs.

In early February, the supreme court asked the gov to prove and explain why the jab mandate was necessary. I wonder if this maybe had to do with it, since they can't bring any scientific evidence of why the jab mandate is absolutely necessary and the only way. We didn't have a lot of hope in the court. They would have the power to just strike the law down outright without a problem, since it's unconstitutional.
Who knows what's really going on behind the scenes and what's actually motivating them to step back for a bit, just 5 days before everyone would have been fined.

I hope the evidence coming out about the jabs and the harm they cause will be so overwhelming within the next 3 months, that the corrupt MSM can't lie about it or hide it any longer. And in the face of that, I would think they would not activate the law again.

Thankfully, we have a little more time now. I deleted the fundraiser and simply keep going with my little Buy me a coffee support page. I'm still trying to save money to be able to move away from Austria. After they showed such disregard for human rights, the will of the people and actual facts and reality, I don't feel safe here any more.

Back when they first announced that they will create a law to mandate the jabs for all, they were even considering jail time, of up to a year, if you could not pay the repeated high fines. The highest doctor of the doctors chamber (which licenses doctors, or takes them away), actually said that "We could restrain people to jab them." And the gov was perfectly fine with him saying that. As was the MSM. There were many more absolutely outrageous quotes from officials, which just showed how evil and cold they are.

So thankfully for now, I won't have to worry about getting stopped by police and questioned about my vax status and fined, over and over again.

I'm going to blog and post about everything from now on, about how things are going, about the kitties, life, freedom and thoughts on all sorts of things in the world.

I'm sorry for the hurriedly written wall of text, I just wanted to get this out there quickly, before I go to sleep.
Love, Natascha and the kitties!

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