The Law of Husband Calling His Wife With "Ummi"

Has narrated by Imam Bukhari will hadith: قال إبراهيم لسارة: هذه أختي

Meaning: "The Prophet said, that is the Prophet Abraham a. said of Sarah (ie his wife): "This is my sister". (Hadith Bukhari)

Al-Hafidh Ibn Hajar Al-Asqolani, one of the great scholars of Hadith scholars of Shafi'e, describes the hadith in the book "Fathul Bari", that Imam Bukhari argues that if the husband calls his wife "O my sister" is not why, which meant the Prophet Ibrahim in his words was a brother of a religion. (Fathul Baari Syarah Sohih Bukhari)

Mughni Ibn Qudama:

قال ابن أبي موسى: فيه روايتان, أظهرهما أنه ليس بظهار حتى ينويه. وهذا قول أبي حنيفة, والشافعي; لأن هذا اللفظ يستعمل في الكرامة أكثر مما يستعمل في التحريم, فلم ينصرف إليه بغير نية, ككنايات الطلاق

Meaning: Saying Ibn Abi Musa (on the law calling the husband to wife with the call "ummi" it) there are two history. The most distinguished between the two narrations is that he is not mistaken for zihar until he is destined for zihar. This is the opinion of Abu Hanifah and Syafie because lafaz is more widely used because glorifying is not because it forbids. So it is not so lafaz to forbid but with intention like intention2 in talaq problem. (Juz 8 m.s. 7)


  • The husband should call his wife by calling "ummi" or "mama" or "my sister" and should the wife call her husband by calling "abi" or "papa" or "my brother" or purely because such calls are from the community's customary side to glorify or to train their children to associate with the mother father.

  • If the husband calls his wife O "ummi" or "my sister" does not happen zihar law but if the husband intends to zihar.

  • More beautiful is called by a name or a good character like "O Fatimah" or "sweet" or "beautiful" and as it is.


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