We always become amused and excited when we see a magic trick that blow our minds away. The beauty and dexterity a magic trick has that you can't understand at a first glance and you have no other word to describe it as except MAGIC is a magical moment. We go home and ponder it and even go as far to try and emulate a thing or two. Everyone loves a MAGICIAN. But what happens when you know the secret behind it?? Does it loose it's effect of being awesome?? Here are some tricks and the secrets behind them:

1. The Person-Slicing Magic
The person slicing magic is a classic entertainer. Most people at first watch are ultimately shocked and scared when they watch this live. They always have a baffles expression on their face. This trick starts with a woman climbing into a coffin-type box. After some elaborate dialogue on the part of the magician, he appears to cut her in half.


Believe it or not, there are actually two different people other than the magician incorporated into this trick.

In most cases, the chamber that they sit in is deeper than the apparent table from the outside, allowing for extra room. Sometimes the magician asks the assistant to wiggle their feet after the cutting has already taken place. This set up allows for the other assistant to wiggle their feet for believability.

2. The Levitating Man
When it comes to superpowers, levitating is on a lot of people's wishlist. So the awe on bumping into a random stranger elivating is quite exciting. Think about it: Why would he need that post if he were truly levitating? These onlookers appear quite convinced.


A hidden platform held up by a very strong post is the secret to this magic trick.

As magicians know very well, people can be easily distracted. Instead of caring about the post that the man is resting his hand on, they only really care about the fact that the man is levitating.


3. Smooth Criminal!!
This has to be all time favorite. Straight from my childhood. Even after understanding the trick behind it, I still try doing it from time to time.

Remember that unreal lean Michael Jackson did in the music video for "Smooth Criminal?" Sorry, but he wasn't that good. Your whole Childhood was a lie :((


Both in the music video and live performances, M J wore some special shoes that hooked onto a stage 'nail.'


4. Pulling A Rabbit Out Of Uour Hat
This is probably the most well-known magic trick out there. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat! Loved by kids and adults

If you don't know how it works, this trick would always confuse you. Rabbits are hard to hide. It's not like you can have a false compartment in the hat that fits a decent-sized rabbit.


Well, there's one way to hide a rabbit — hang it from a cloth sac from the edge of the table.

A tablecloth is also needed for this trick. While the magician shows the crowd that the top hat is completely empty, a rabbit is fully hanging from a cloth sac under the tablecloth. The difficult part of this trick comes when you lift the hat and slide the rabbit underneath.



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