LIA - Not Normal - Bat Out during Daytime

I just happened to be looking out the window into the front yard when I noticed a bird that was flying weird like bumping up against the front door and window but it was not quite flying like a bird would either.

It has been very hot here so the birds are acting different compared to how they normally act but this just did not seem right. It flew off around the side of the house.

A few moments later it was on the opposite side of the house on the back porch bumping into the windows trying to find a place to hideout. That is when I noticed that it was a bat.

Bat visiting 2.PNG

It finally landed on the wall and climbed to the top part of it, right below the corner at the back of the porch.

It was 3pm in the middle of the day with no clouds in the sky so the bat could not have mistook it for nighttime. There has been some construction down the hill a little bit where they have been busting up rock in the ground. I have been told that this part of the hill/mountain is riddled with small caves so this construction must have broken into one of those small hollow holes and disturbed this tiny creature.

We have had bat visitors before so we are not a stranger to them. However they are usually in the top corners of the back porch in the morning when we go out, we have never had them show up in the middle of the day. So this is really Not normal for this area or for a bat in general.

I believe this is a Mexican Free Tail Bat which is widely known to live in Central Texas caves and under bridges. But if you can better identify it, please leave me a comment.

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