4 Years Old

Gilang calmly looked at the beautiful face of the Sovi, beautiful smile thin and beautiful eyes. At that time there was pengajian youth in a mosque. Gilang was so excited looking at the face of Sovi, to the extent that Gilang did not remember that time was in the study.
"Lang, have I seen you smile yourself, you see who the hell?" Asked Andre who immediately broke Gilang stares.
"Well you Dre made me wake up from the beauty of my thoughts only." Gilang also replied with a slightly upset face.
"Hehe Lang, you see Sovi ya cieeh lest you have a crush on him?" Andre asked again with his Tasik's accent.
Gilang just nodded with a shy smile.
"Udah dong look at him, tuhhenger listened to Mr. Ustadz!", Said Andre again.

Gilang also obey what Andre said listening to Mr. Ustadz's lecture. Who should have listened to Mr. Ustadz's lecture instead of stealing time to look at the Soviet face. Gilang cleared the book, because it was time for prayer and recitation ended. Everyone walks to the mosque to perform their congregational prayers. Gilang did not miss going to the mosque. After the prayer Gilang isya rushed out of the mosque, but not directly home because there is need with the Sovi.
"Who are you waiting for? I'm not home yet, huhuy? "Andre asked as he nagged.
"I'm waiting for someone who I have long time later" Gilang said convincingly. Finally someone who Gilang later from earlier also came out. Gilang's heart pounded and became more and more pounding as the Sovi started out of the mosque. Gilang also ventured to greet the Sovi.
"Hi sov, want to go home?" The Sovi replied in a tone as he looked away from Gilang.
"Yes iy going home, going to go"
Gilang nanya well, Sovi instead replied with arbitrarily. If Sovi is asked by someone else, he always answers correctly according to what he asks. But why was Gilang's turn to ask, the Sovi did not even bother. It seemed that whenever Gilang approached Sovi, Gilang could no longer hold back his heart, as if the sense of pent-up in the heart increasingly piled up, and could no longer Gilang accommodate. Every day goes by the same. Without any change in Soviet attitude to Gilang.
"Sovi, suppose you know, the feeling in this heart I can not stand anymore, I want to express my heart. Why do not you ever give me a chance to approach you, to get to know you more? "Those were the words that Gilang always thought.

Gilang is unyielding, so will definitely continue to struggle to get the Sovi. From the attitude of Sovi to Gilang, that's what makes Gilang attracted to him. Indeed Gilang likes to perceive himself with his face barely, brave desperately to get the Sovi. The guy who likes him who is more cute face than Gilang just been rejected, let alone Gilang. Because not Gilang who likes the same Sovi, but there are many other guys who like him. Sovi meamang always jutek and indifferent to the guy who tried to approach him. But Gilang feels his attitude to Gilang is different and more jutek again than to other guys. For example, one of his junior high school boys who likes him, which Gilang also recognizes. From junior high school until now he still likes the same Sovi, but there is never an answer "YES" that was thrown from his mouth. The Sovi always refused the love of Deni who had repeatedly shoot Sovi.

even if you only shows face jutekmu, I am willing and I will keep trying to melt your heart "again gilang said in the heart. gilang try to greet sovi, although the return always painful." Hi SOV, there time not return ngaji later? "at the time he was teaching ngaji grader 1. sovi with good answer" not there ". gilang also continue the question" when you have time for me, I no need to be the same you? ". sovi reply with a smile cynical" 1000 year again ". gilang no matter sovi answers casually, the important thing is trying to him. sovi still sitting on the class 2 high school. while gilang already work. because school only gilang only to the class 1 high school. when school gilang can be said to children naughty, as always skip school. in one week always there is a letter (Alpha) the coloring book absent. that was calculated about sovi 4 years younger than gilang. year already gilang harbored feelings, really heavy raasanya bear the burden of increasingly piles. now sovi already class 3 high school. when the Sun began to appear Rays, gilang rushed leave work. before departing gilang stopped to shop mom IMA to just enjoy fried and a Cup of hot coffee. hose 10 minutes later, looks figure sovi and his friend the leaving school. gilang instantly him afraid sovi farther go." SOV you class 3 what? "asked gilang although already know will answer he certainly painful. finally I thought was wrong. sovi answer" class 3 z ". it's always pain when asked him. but what would dikata gilang should keep trying. on the way, gilang just fun joking with his fita, but not okay than gilang only silent weep for his folly. every day gilang can go together sovi was feeling gilang was very pleased. days change the day, month change months, not feel so quickly. gilang grateful really attitude sovi on gilang already more changed not so jutek such as the first. every day gilang together with sovi and can becanda same sovi." Yes God, is this dream? do not let you wake me of dreams my beautiful this ", words crossed my mind gilang as if in disbelief. the next day, as usual gilang wait sovi warung mom IMA. soon sovi come up with fita, but not as usual sovi even run with fita when gilang him. gilang feel never do any of him, but maybe because don't know if from his words there is a menyingggung heart sovi. stay a few steps again gilang to approach the sovi, but moments dinanti even go and wiped away. gilang disbelief, why should happen. already a few days gilang can't talk same sovi, and did if asked why sovi always avoid gilang, sovi never answer. long gilang not met with sovi. let alone now sovi busy with preparation exam. up-to the event study young people sovi never comes again. now sovi already class 3, but gilang not know sovi will be forwarded college where." 4 years already gilang harbored sense on sovi. only attitude surrender the gilang feel. and could not do anything because gilang don't know now sovi there where "that's ungakapan gilang as if will be unable again to survive without sovi. said Andre, sovi forwarded lecture in London, he lived ngekost with his brother. Andre know from fita his best friend of small, fita is brother Andre. gilang can only imagine the face of sweet sovi and only a dreamy and daydreaming think sovi. gilang think of when will meet again with sovi, as has been 2 years gilang not met denagn sovi. nostalgia gilang already a very long would like to Express the sovi. Saturday night, gilang and children celebrate the arrival of Bob Jakarta. Andre give know if he had a phone number sovi a new one." Lang, I have a number HP sovi new NIH, would not hehe .. ", Andre says with the face of convincing, with a smile ngeledek. gilang reply with the face of disbelief," well, that bener? you know of whom? ". Andre back to continue" from the fita ". soon gilang directly massaging mobile number that will connect with sovi. finally gilang can listen again sound sovi. long moments this gilang wait. now gilang can call and sms'an AMA sovi. it turns out when gilang calling sovi, words he lontarkan not the same as the first again. words out of the mouth more polite. gilang was not think, and don't want to moments went away for a second time. in one of the short message known as SMS sovi said." Lang, I asked MAF top of demeanor I who first, I DND ngrasa KLO skp jutek I may dah bwt miles sick ". gilang any direct assemble characters string for word to reply to smsnya." I maafin km co, SOV, KPN km PLG, I want to b'temu km, cz dah 2 yrs QTA not meet ". sovi returned to reply to SMS gilang." sorry Lang, this week I no PLG, later KLO I home I KSH Tao km ". pleased gilang can smsan same sovi. SMS by SMS often gilang send only to just ask news. he said this week sovi home." SOV, can be no tomorrow we met? ". series of letters typed by gilang to sovi. sovi was not escape reply." Oh sorry BGT, I no BSA, cz I Cape BGT want to break ". gilang was obey him not to meet, as the other time might be able to meet.

Heavy rain soaked, with the fun Gilang smsan with Sovi, "Sov, actually ak dah long wanted to express this feeling k km, tp bru skarg ak can ungkapin. Ak dah lma likes same km, ak want tw gmn prasaan km to me? Anything I receive with chest lpg ". That is the expression of Gilang's heart that is expressed in his short message.
Sovi replied, "Lang, maf bgt ak gda feeling same km, tp km jgn mrh y ?, mang dr kpn km like me, n npa km can like, pdhl skp ak k km first jutek bgt, n maybe tu make sick km? ".
Gilang immediately reply again sms Sovi "Ak dah 4 yrs to harbor this same likes of miles, from the attitude of miles to me that is what makes me interested. Ak jg ga angry over your jwbn, I appreciate it, bgaimana km can like me, anyway ga ga dkt ama ak ".
The rain that time was very heavy as if mourning myself who denied love. Hikz ... hikz ...

One day Gilang again sms him, "Hi Sov, pa kbr ?, gi ngpain ya? Oia Sov, ak b'hrp km can like me walopun bkn now ". Somehow sms it ga dibls ama Sovi, and simultaneously as the last sms.

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