Gift of Yellow Flower Bond

Introduce its name Ardillia Elisabeth Avilla. Usually called Lia. He's a good and clever boy, even if only a kid selling cendol.

In school…
"Hey, boy cendol! Lu do not pretend to face ya. Do not seek the attention of the teacher, and most importantly .., DO NOT DECOME AMA ALEX !! NGERTI !? "Sissy shouted with Lia. Lia just paused. After a long silence finally Lia started talking.
"I am a child cendol ya?" Lia wanted to cry but arrested him with a smile as he looked at Sissy.
"IYA, CHILD CENDOL .. !!" Sissy replied curtly.
"Oh .. So ya .. We match when UTS yuk .. I challenge you," said Lia.
"E-eh .. Sss ... a moment. I thought about it, "Sissy stammered, remembering the UAS result yesterday.
"Eemmm. okay. I thank you! "Sissy replied later.

Arriving at his mom's kiosk ..
"Mom, I'll be birthday anymore, may be dirayain not?" Asked Lia.
"Sorry Li, but the mother's money money is not enough to ngerayain your birthday. Sorry ya .. "said the mother softly.
"Oh, yes yes .. Then I want to drink cendol a glass dong," said Lia smile.
"Yes, my daughter." Mother kissed her beloved daughter's cheek.

After UAS
The students immediately went to the notice board. One board for one class. Lia and Sissy immediately went to the bulletin board.
"Wow, I got all my grades. Moreover mtk and science, "said Sissy in the heart.
Meanwhile Lia is still looking for her name on the bulletin board. Since he did not find his name he switched to the main board.

"This is the Champion of each class at Santa Maria High School:" written on the board. Lia read in class 2.
"Class 2A: Clara Siwanti
2B: Kinanti Agnes
2C: Ardillia Elisabeth Avilla
2D: Gayatri Agatha "
"Sis, I'm a champ. Keep doing again? "Said Lia.
"Eng .. I do not know! I still have business. I go first ya! "Sissy left.
Someone tapped Lia's shoulder.
"Why Lia?" Someone asked behind him. Lia turned her head.
"Uh, Gani. When is it coming? "
"Looking at my grades."
"How much is it worth?"
"But I do not mind. Rather than bad value. I saw the value of Sissy sank all of it. "
"Oh, yes? The line Sissy left. "
"Lia's on your way. Is your Mama making a party? "
"Not available.."
"O .. But later I may dateng dong to your house?"
"Yeah okay."
"Lia kok your face pucet?"
"I have no idea. For not eating yet. "
"Eat yuk I'm hungry."
Lia and Gani go to class to eat. From a distance, Alex was watching Lia. Alex loves Lia.
"Which address is Lia? I also want to come to his house! "Alex's determination in the heart.

In the classroom
"Uhuk uhuk ..." Lia coughed.
"Lia, you nosebleed!" Gani exclaimed. Gani immediately took Lia to UKS.

*** In the UKS ***

"Hmm ... I do not know what you hurt. But maybe you just exhausted, "said Mrs. Lina. "Do you want to rest here?"
"I'm not. Thanks, "said Lia. She immediately got up from the bed.
"Do you have vitamin not? Look at it. You're skinny, "said Lina.
"Ah mama nih there-ada aja. I do not have money to buy vitamins, "said Lia.
"Later mom will buy vitamin yes. You rarely eat, "Mrs. Lina grabbed Lia's hand.
"No need to bother .. I do not need vitamin bu."
"Are not you afraid of being sick?"
"Ah, I'm not going to hurt you bu! Already bell. I go first ya! "Excuse Lia.
"Yes. Learn the right one! "
Lia goes with Gani.
"Hmm .. No wonder. Lia's body is very fragile. I'm afraid something bad happened to him, "muttered Lina.

3 months later

"Lia .." call the mother.
"Yes ..?" Said Lia from the room.
"Gani visited," said the mother. Gani emerged from behind the door.
"Are you sick? How long do not go in? "Gani asked as she took a chair to sit down.
"Hmm .. Not nice anymore," said Lia. He tried to get up. Uhuk uhuk ... Lia coughs.
"Do not be forced if you can not," Gani said.
"Thanks for the birthday gift. I'm really happy, "Lia said with a smile.
"Yes. Equally, "said Gani.
"Uh, I'm still confused. Kok, Alex know my address huh? "Asked Lia confused. "Do you have any information?"
"E-er .... Nothing really .. "Gani said surprised.
"I think you're seriously ill. I take it to my father's hospital. Want not? "Gani offered.
"No need!"
"Want to get worse ?!"
"Now go yuk."
"Get permission first!"
"Aunt dah dah dah." Gani help Lia wake up.
"Well, Lia wants to get out. I have to hide quickly! "Murmured Alex hiding behind the window. He quickly hid in the backyard.
Gani led Lia into her car. Mobil Gani left Lia's house. After her mother came into the house, Alex stepped out of the backyard to the bike. He intended to follow Gani's car. But Gani's car had disappeared on the street.
"Gani bokap hospital .. If not one RS Cinta Kasih ya .." Alex thought. Without thinking again Alex immediately rode his motorcycle and speeding. The sound of the exhaust made Lia's mother startled.
"Who's there ?!" asked Lia's mother.

In the hospital
"You have to get ready Lia," said doctor Faisal.
"So why dock?" Asked Lia.
"You must be sick."
"Yes but what pain?"
"Do not be surprised."
"Why is it so?"
"You're sick .." Doctors are reluctant to say it.
"What pains ?!" Lia began to push.
"Leu ... Leukemia," the doctor said. Lia does not believe it.
"This .. It's not possible dock ?! Tell me it's a lie! "
"Your hair is also thinning is not it?"
"I-yes .."
"Sorry but I have to go first. Do you want to be hospitalized? "Faisal said as he stood up.
"I do not have money .." Lia lowered her head, wanting to cry.
"No, do not cry. Crying is useless, "Faisal's doctor patted Lia's shoulder. Doctor Faisal came out. Lia's tears rolled down her cheeks.

Alex ran through the hospital corridor.
"Hey do not run in the hospital!" Shouted a nurse who almost fell over by Alex. He sees Gani waiting in front of a room.
"Gan there see Lia?" Alex asked.
"You know? Kok .. are you here?
"I .." Alex had not had time to answer came the sound of Lia's cry.
"You know? Why is Lia crying? "
"Tau tu people we see yuk!"
Alex and Gani opened the door of the room. Looks Lia is crying.
"Li do you cried?" Asked Gani.
Lia wipes her tears away. "Lo kok there Alex?" Lia confused.
"Ih answer Gani question first! Now is not the time about me! "Alex said.
"I am sick.."
"Lah? Emang you sick right? Keep you crying? From outside kedengeren tuh, "said Gani.
"Hah? Being frightened? I'm sick .. But it's worse .. "
"Can you die?" Alex asked.
"It's more or less so ..." Lia is back manangis, but harder than before.
"Udah .. Do not cry .. You can stay in here anyway. Later you will be treated more intensively, "Gani smiled.
"Can Gan?" Lia asked a little uncertain.
"Yes. It's got my father. "
"Praise the Lord .." said Lia. Lia, Gani and Alex smile.
"From now on you can stay."
"But I have to call my mama first." Lia took her cell phone.

Search: Mama
Incalling Mama ...

"Hello, ma?"
"Hello, Lia. When is it coming home? "
"Ma .. I'm sick of leukemia. Blood cancer so. Gani may be hospitalized. Is it okay to stay in hospital? "
"Oh .. it's okay. As long as you are healed. "
"Well, ma ma. Bye. Lia darling mama. "
"Mama is a dear Lia, too."
Stopping calling Mama

"Ntar you to the director's office. Say you are his friend Gani. You are sick of leukemia, just checked doctor Faisal. You'll be hospitalized here. "
"Siip !!"
"Dah. I'm the same Gani go first ya. There's still pr, "Alex said.
"Yes. Bye bye .. !! "
"I'll see you later. Or do I want to go into the director's office? "Alex offered.
"No problem. Kan can take the elevator. "
"Alright. Be careful, ok!"
Alex and Gani leave. Lia saw them disappear at the end of the corridor. He walked to the elevator, then entered.
"Well tuh right .. I forgot why Alex is coming!" Lia said to herself as she was in the elevator.

in the parking lot "Lo ?! Motor I where ?!" Alex surprised. "was Lo place where?" asked Gani. "here." "Oh, this is the parking car. most dipindahin to parking Motor. Yes it, I return first. bye." "bye." 2 weeks later "situation worse," said Gani. he sat beside Lia. "I hope Lia can still be saved. 'tock Tok ... door opened." Hi Alex, "Sapa Lia with a smile." sorry Gani but you can out while? I wanted to four eyes with Heather, "said Alex." Oh should Kok. "Gani arise from his seat and out. Alex shut the door." does why, Lex? "asked Lia." Lia, think of this as .. "" as what? "" sorry if you offended. I like you .. do you want to be my girlfriend? "" Hey-em .. Alex .. actually .. i'm also love you. but .. "" you want to right? "" MA-want, only .. Sissy .. "" Sissy? "" he never tell me do not deketin you .. "" not what. we'll opponent he equally. want? "" should. I also want to the same you. "" yess !! "" continue to earlier you want you so what? "" eh .. forget it. "the next day" Lia! our dating come on! "" Yes. I happen to be out. briefly Yes, I to change first. "" we want to what the NIH? "asked Lia." don't ask Dong! i'm willing to make a surprise. "they climb bike. it turns out Alex provides a place in the Park for both of them. and there is provided equipment painting." I know you hobby painting. so I want to ask you to paint here. "Alex smile." thank you Alex! "" Yes. "-" eh see tuh SIS. the Alex again tandem with Lia! "whispered Nana to Sissy when they are cycling surrounding the garden." iih! basic children not know yourself! will kuhajar him! "" direct Aja there SIS! "" not have to. I have a plan more evil again! "said Sissy smiled shifty. -" fact sheet, out this we go again Yes. "" Yes Deh. whatever you want to where. "" you want to invite you eat here? serious? "Lia surprised to see a 5 star restaurant that is in front of him." Yes. Yuk, go. "Alex took Lia enter the restaurant." SST .. silent. they want to go. hidden, "tell Sissy to Nana. they are hiding behind the Wall." Pinter he SIS. know they want to here, "said Nana." Yes Dong. depleted dating right usually go eat. here restaurants bokapnya Alex. they are definitely here, "Sissy smiled shifty." Lia, "call Alex." Yes? "responsible Lia." I have something to you .. "Alex take a goods for Lia." this fact sheet .. "Alex give a gift with ties yellow tape. yellow tape is ribbon passions Lia. he opened the gift of the. there is a piece of letters in it." -to: Lia Hai Lia. I love really same you. I know hobbies and passions you. you like it smelled sea, isn't it? I hope you like bracelet this and hopefully bracelet this can be a proof of love I same you. love: alex- "Lia stunned when reading it." thank you Yes Alex! I love really! "Lia immediately put bangle shells it. unexpectedly, Sissy come." Hey! why he SIS ?! do not macem-macem same Lia! he was again sick! "snapping Alex." Oh, I dont why-why. I just want to apologize with Heather, already nyakitin heart him. "Sissy pretended regret." Oh, Thankfully you already aware Sissy. "Lia happy." come on Lia. I have a fashion magazine update's latest. you like clothing design right? "Sissy took hand Lia." you don't take it fashion magazine his here? "asked Lia doubt." Oh .. sorry Yes fact sheet. but magazine there in the car. but the okay. candle light dinner his right can dilanjutin ntar. Oh, it's magazine some of France, London, America, Japan, Korea and are gak up from the fashion world, Paris! there is no fashion trends 2014, failed fashion artist and how way ngatasinnya, there trends mini dress, continue to tips create make up, then there manicure "SeaWorld". exciting Deh fact sheet! continue we can sending our design! continue if loaded, clothing we going to be made, and for sale in store famous, domestic plus overseas! steady the fact sheet? "clear Sissy length. Lia and Alex until dumbfounded hear it." I want to see Dong! "Lia very interested in the fashion magazine owned Sissy." Alex, pinjem first Yes, the Lia! "exclaimed Sissy, took hand Lia then take it away." sorry Yes Alex but I go first Yes briefly Aja Kok. "" Yes okay Kok. "-" a steady! I get you! "said Sissy while binding Lia." SIS what you do ?! what's in mind you ?! i'm sorry already percya spiel Lo! "Lia cry." Ah .. you this whiny really. bit-bit cry. bit-bit cry. kayak toddler Aja you. "" silent you Sissy! perkataanmu, your heart .. more rotten of garbage, know not ?! I am ... ngik..ngik .. "asthma Lia relapse." I am what huh? what ?! Hey, the origin of you know Yes, you that the more foul of garbage! I am already sacrifice a lot for you! design are not loaded, the value of UTS the SAG, race, whatever all kinds of .. now Alex !? Alex's treasure i've got the only .. "Sissy hold tears." Sissy .. ngik .. ngik .. I need drug asthma ... "" asthma medication? not need! Nana, bekap the mouth of him. i'm driving, "Sissy forward to drive." sorry Lia. but it is this should be, "said Nana, then smothered mouth Lia with cloth. Lia trying to shout for help, but what power. Lia has passed out. -" where I. hah ?! blood! "Lia surprised when blood dripping from his nose." haha .. blood Yes? Hmm .. be prepared to return to Mama, Lia! "Sissy laugh sneaky with sebilah knife shiny behind the Moonlight." don't SIS! "Lia down." what's that do not? ready to go .. "" wait! give me a piece of paper and pen. "" why? "" the last message. "" if so should. NA, take the paper and pen! "Nana give paper and pen. Lia write a message for Alex, and put it in the gift bond yellow tape earlier." I was ready. "Lia sit with sweet. Sissy closer knife to face sweet Lia." remember Yes. after kill me, you have to repent, "said Lia for the last time." Yes. "Sissy closer knife, the closer, I ..." silent, you Sissy !! "shouted someone. Unfortunately, surprise, accidentally Sissy bypass artery Lia." don't various you SIS! Pak police, catch him! "tell Alex." Hey! i'm not wrong! "Sissy thrashing. a police check Lia." victim has no, "said police that." what?'s not possible. try check again, "Pinta Alex." victim really dead. "Alex silent." outrageous you Sissy! Lia not there is wrong, you kill her?!?! this is miss, Sissy !!! "Alex want punching Sissy. Sissy protect his face of lacing fist Alex." Alex, I love you Alex. you have the same I if Lia already dead! "" outrageous !! because it is this, you heart to kill Lia? Lia during this not put revenge same you! you should be happy, Lia still the same good you! but you kill it ?! basic !! "" Alex, I love you more than Lia. please be girlfriend I Lex. I please. please ... "" even if you love me more than Lia but you not be like Gini! you must be nyontoh Lia know not! Lia it always patient ngadapin all problems! not like you, usually ngelakuin crime! "Alex start crying." I ngelakuin it all for you! "" what's for me, huh?!?! Lia dead in the hands of ELO, so later I have to death in the hands of Lo too, so ?! "" Alex ... Lo understand not the hell ?! I kill Lia let I can courtship same you !! love you true you it is not Lia, but I !! Alex I please Alex so girlfriend I .. "" baseball! even if I were threatened kill me was said not! even if I shackled, stabbed, trampled I responsibility not! I love Lia, just Lia I love! emang Lo dah crazy what ?! if crazy go to the edge of the road tuh! "" Alex .. I please Lex .. "Sissy drawn by the police. Sissy put in police car. Alex see the police vehicle who disappeared at the end of the way." Lia ... you have not be ninggalin I soon .. we have not been a month invented .. "Alex hugging the bodies Lia. he saw gifts earlier Alex give. Alex read the letter in it.

"Alex .. Maybe when you see this letter, I'm gone. Thanks for the gift. I like it so much. Moreover the yellow ribbon. Make me spirit like the sun. Hehe .. Alex, nice gift. I love the name yes. His name is Yellow Ribbon Band Gifts. It's good, is not it? Alex, I also did not think, was at the restaurant was our last meeting. The last meeting was really fun.
Alex, when I'm gone, put this box in my desk drawer. Hope you are not sad yes when reading this letter. Hehe ... Alex, if you want the same Sissy yes .. I may aja. Why not I can not. I also do not exist. Hehe..
Alex, I just want to tell you one, I LOVE YOU FOREVER. I love you forever .. Bye .. "

Alex noticed that the yellow ribbon had been tied to her finger. The bracelet is in Lia's hands.
"Lia .. I hate Sissy who already nyakitin lo for life! Why do not I go out with Sissy! Lia .. I also like kayak lo .. I love you forever ... "

At the end of the hut looks a mysterious figure with yellow ribbon on his finger and bracelets like Alex give to Lia is smiling .. Then disappear slowly ..

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