Sun After Moon

Amsterdam, June 2017
A mustache-haired girl was sitting in the corner of the cafe by the window. His eyes stared at the street filled with lights. Seeing some pedestrians walking fast while stretching an umbrella to protect themselves from the chill of snow that fell last week.

Not a long time the sound of a notification an incoming email on the phone "are you okay dear?" A short word that sent mama make rounded eyes.
He exhaled, grabbing one of the stacked letters of blue sky he had always loved. Her hands were trembling at the sight of the name of the sender.

He is an ava. A smallish girl with rounded black eyeballs. A few hours ago the new ava get packets sent from mama. Upon opening the box contains a brown teddy bear doll, stalks of dried white roses, and several letters all covered in blue. Suddenly memories 3 years ago back in his memory.

Jakarta, April 2014
"Damn .. If gini way can not pass the lesson Pak Aris ya!" A student was seen bouncing basketball, trying to put it into the ring but always failed.
He did not realize that there had been a man watching him.
"His ball gka may come in, if his way aja throwing wrong"
Ava, looked at her instantly and found a tall man whose hair looked disheveled. already standing behind him.
Unwittingly, now the ball in her arms has changed hands "liatin ya" he said as he dribbled the ball, he jogged toward the ring and threw it. Just then the ball came in perfectly.
One word that is in the mind of ava. Amazed.

An hour passed. Hard work has passed. Ava believes herself tomorrow will not get a remission during gym class practice. His smile widened instantly because this was the sixth time he could put his ball into the ring.
"Arvianno Kenzo Sadewa. Call me Kenzo "said the man who was sitting next to him
Ava stammered "ehh yes. Gue Avara Tirtadhirga "
"Yapp .. i know"
Ava confused. He stared at the man who was now straightening his legs. As if need an explanation because this is the first time they meet "how come?"
The man turned his head, looking at Ava in his eyes. Then a smile widened at the corners of her lips, her smile bright as the sun in the afternoon. Ava can see clearly there lengsung cheeks are printed clear on her left cheek. The heart of the ava beats irregularly, as the boy next to him points toward the ava's left uniform using his chin as he says "tuhh". The first time Ava felt was his face heating up

Ava smiled sadly as she remembered her first encounter with the man, ending with a thank you. And continue at the second meeting and so on during break time.
Ava wiped her face. It's been almost 3 hours he sat in the cafe just to daydream and spend 4 glasses of espresso. She gasped, immediately stuffing her stuff into a brown bag. Then rushed to leave the cafe that has become his favorite place since the first time to foot in this city ..

The evening snow was colder. Had ava forgot to bring an umbrella, making it now have to close his coat and wool hat. Ava felt her body shivering because the temperature of the city was at -3 degrees Celsius, but compared to the cold snow he felt more frozen in his heart. He regretted why his mother had to send all those memorable things. He regretted why the man never tired of looking for him and sent a letter to his home address in Jakarta. He also regretted why they had to part. Ava is too sorry to know why Kenzo ..

Ava has just finished her college assignment with Cecilia, her faculty friend.
This is not the way home, but he goes on without knowing where he is going. It was already ten o'clock, but there was not the slightest intention of returning to the apartment soon tomorrow morning.
He passed several towering buildings. The moonlight lit up her steps, ava slipped her hand into the bag draped over her right shoulder, unconsciously she squeezed a letter.
There was no tears in her eyes. Ava further accelerated his pace, until then his movement stalled. There was someone holding his left wrist.
"Ava .." said someone standing behind him. The body of the ava froze instantly, like the heavy voice of a man he knew. No. Definitely ava was hallucinating. "Avara" he said more firmly.
Make the ava reverse body.

Her eyes did not blink when she came face to face with the figure calling her.
"I can not be wrong to see right?" Said the man, now his hands holding the arm of the ava "I nemuin lo here" he said while pulling ava into his embrace.
"No! Do not touch me !! "ava exclaimed. Her voice trembled.
Kenzo who heard just stunned. His clinging to a girl wearing a red wool hat is stretched.
Ava took a step back. Creating a distance between himself and the man.
"Kenzo" Ava said the name very slowly, he shook his head in disbelief.
"I miss you va lo. I've been looking forward to it. Why did you go? "Kenzo said, his eyes looking at ava's face. As if fear in front of him is just an illusion. "Lo know I do not like myself" kenzo breathe "and my letters? You are deliberately disappeared "
Ava held her breath. His defenses almost collapsed when he got a rash of questions from Kenzo. It's his fault indeed, go without kenzo's knowledge. Even kenzo does not know what causes it to go away.
However, would not go without saying goodbye would be easier than he had to go and say his reasons to a loved one? It's too sick. "Everything has changed. We are not the same people anymore "says ava sad.

Kenzo blinked his eyes repeatedly. He did not expect this to be a dream. But he is too afraid to admit that this is a reality. "What?" Kenzo like ran out of words "what did you say?"
"Everything is over ken. Now we have each other's lives. "Ava ducked hide her feelings. He wished today the earth would swallow it round to disappear from the man who is now silent statues. "I'm sorry - I have to go home"
Kenzo saw the girl he had been looking for over the past two years. He started to turn back. A step ava move, "how?" Kenzo said "How about if our life is destined to make together?" He continued with a hoarse voice. He's really crazy.
Ava stopped instantly. Kenzo can see the skinny shoulder up and down. Restrain emotions "since then, I'm afraid to believe ken's destiny!"

"God! Do not tell me that you never read all the letters and all the emails I sent "
Question kenzo managed to make ava pensive. Considering how many blue letters she received. Also hundreds of emails as well as voice mails that go into their incoming contacts. Yeah right, he never read it. For fear of knowing the truth.
Ava can not stand it anymore. It was like going to explode. His defenses have completely collapsed. Being here with someone's expected past is a mistake for him.
"Do not cry. I do not like being the reason you crying .. I do not know what my mistake. But if because of problems Andin lo misunderstood .. "
Hearing the name is called to make the liver of the ava as sliced ​​repeatedly. all this time he just found out that the woman who caused his relationship with kenzo destroyed named Andin. "Lo know my feelings to you never change va"
Ava was stunned. Then look back. Her heart trembled. The distance between them is a few meters away. But the ava can see the sincerity of the hazel's gaze.
Silence. No one interrupts each other. "Good byee, Ken" finally the sentence was spoken.
Ava leaves the kenzo who sees her with a look of nan.

Jakarta, June 2014
"I love you."
Ava gaped at what she had to say when he said the three words.
"You diem? It means yes. "
Her heart was beating fast. Her cheeks flushed.
"From now on not lo or me. Nor is I or you. But we are. "
Kenzo embraced the ava. He placed his chin over the ava's head, inhaling deeply the fragrant shampoo the girl used. While the ava only closed his eyes. Enjoy the warmth that crawls his body.
Both are smiling. Feel the pounding of each other's feelings. That night, under the expanse of sky featuring a crescent moon, kenzo and official ava dating.

6:00 pm. Although the snow last night did not go down, but this early activity in Amsterdam has not been too crowded. Ava down a suburban street.
Meet one or two people. The move stalled on one side of the Brouwersgracht Canal, one of the most beautiful canals in the Netherlands located in the center of Amsterdam.
Ava saw how calm the water of the lake that hit the morning sunlight. Then sit under a shade tree with your legs bent. While scraping the contents of his bag. Ava pulled out the worn out letters. Not because it is often read, but because kneading repeatedly. She held it high. He wants to get rid of it. Dumped it into the lake.

Jakarta, June 22, 2015
"Happy anniversary Avara Tirtadhirga. Ken is waiting in the usual place yes. Lovyu "
ava smiles at an incoming message on her cell phone. Today is exactly one year she is dating Ken.
At 19.00 pm. Ava got off the black car with the door opened by Mr. Handi. Ken accidentally asked for Mr. Handi's help. The driver of his house to pick up Ava. because he is busy preparing a place to celebrate his special day with the ava.

"Neng Ava geulis. Definitely den kenzo more dear deh "said Mr. Handi at the time
Ava smiled. Tonight she was wearing a pink dress and a thin makeup on her face. Her long hair was left stretched straight. "Thank you sir. Ava to dalem first ya "farewell to a man in his 50s.
"Yes neng. Equally "he replied with a sincere smile.

Ava walked. Go to table number 2 located next to the big window. Just a few more steps, until his eyes rounded in disbelief.
"I've din. All will be fine aja. There's still me "
Ava eyes heats up instantly. She was not dreaming, that the man she loved was hugging a brown-haired woman. The distance between the two is very close. Until the man realizes his presence and releases the woman.
"I go home" said ava broke the silence "Sorry disturb"
"Va, I can clear you. It's just a misunderstanding "kenzo keeps following the ava step. He pulled the ava wrist, making it stop the pace.
"I see with my eyes. and on a day that should specialize you ngerusaknya "
"But I-"
"Enough ken !! I hate being lied to "snapped ava with red face" good bye ken! "He continued as he ran off kenzo.

Ava buried her face in her knees. Tears had wet her face. With a rough movement he tore the edge of the cover of his letter, his hands trembling as he read the first line.

September 25, 2015
Dear Bullet
It's the 100th day I'm looking for you. Suddenly you disappear without an explanation from me.
Oh yes, Yesterday I came to Bandung. You still remember the first time I invited you to get there, I realized how I felt with you. On the hill and the malem is both of us.
You told me. If we like crescent moon. And you also say if my smile is as warm as the morning sun.
I responded; not a coincidence if the Moon and the sun are complementary is not it?
At that time we believe it will stay together any distance.
Ava, you have to know. I never play games. I'm still hoping for a second chance from you. And I love you, will always love you ..

Ava does not blink. The breath that had been suspended was becoming increasingly crowded. He took the second letter.

October 10, 2015
Good night lady crescent moon lovers ..
I want to tell you. This is my second month at University of Indonesia. As a busy maba hehe ..
Va, I miss you ..
You deliberately not open my email, reply my letter also not.
Avara Tirtadhirga. I'm never bored for sure if this is just a misunderstanding.
Malem that I accidentally invited Andin. I want doubel date. Andin with his girlfriend. I am with you.
She's my junior high, just back from Sidney. He wants to know you.
At that time, Andin and Jay had come 30 minutes before me. Those who prepare everything. But Jay said goodbye because he wants to pick up his adek and back here again. Until suddenly Andin got a phone call Jay accident.
You know what I mean .. So we reflex hugs are not like in your mind va .. All pure because Andin need a friend for ngurangin sadness.
That's why I'm not nyusulin you ..
I'm sorry va. I'm sorry 🙁

Ava cried for a moment. When he read the 7th letter. There are many other letters.
He's stupid really stupid. because the stubbornness of his head has hurt his heart too kenzo ..
Ava recalled the incoming message on her cell phone last night. There is written a place where a restaurant whose address is known Ava.

Ava jogged. Some people hit him "I'm sorry" he said every time he hit someone.
She pushed the door of the restaurant, sweeping every corner of the classic-style restaurant. Until a voice startled him
"Avara?" Ava looked, her smile disappeared when she was not the person she was looking for. "4 hours he's waiting for you here" said a bule man in his 30s, he uses Indonesian language with his English accents are still thick.
Ava does not know who the man is. But seeing his gestures, he can deduce that the person is quite close to Kenzo ..
"Where? Where is he now? "Ava squeaked.
"He just left. Maybe to the channel "before the man finishes his sentence, ava is already running. There is only the closest canal from this cafe de rose area, the Brouwersgracht Canal which hours ago visited Ava. Before the ava came out, he turned his back and thanked the man who just smiled from his direction standing ..

Ava was breathless. He's been spinning around looking for Kenzo. But the result is nil.
His legs are no longer strong enough to walk. She was shivering cold and two hours here and there looking for someone was not the right choice when the snow was falling.
Ava fell down on the edge of the lake. She cried. No matter the mocca's Mantel is full of snow.

Ava jumped. Feeling warmth surrounded him. This fragrance. Reminded him of a man he always had in his heart. He looked up
A second later the ava was already in a kenzo's arms. Warm. Soothing. "I'm sorry. I never know all the stories "he said. He buried his face in Kenzo's chest, breathing deeply on the perfume of ken that never changed. Sweet, fresh and warm. A combination of citrus and woods.
Ava continued to sob. "Husst" he said soothing the ava, rubbing his hair gently. "Now there's me and you here. We will always be together ... "continued Kenzo accompanied by a hug that is so tight.

That night Kenzo and Ava repeated every feeling. The snow stopped. Replaced a speck of twinkling stars and a longitudinal moon like an arrow.
"I do not really hate ken destiny" said ava. He looked at Kenzo right in his two hazel eyes.
All still the same. Nothing has changed.
Kenzo's smile widened, creating a slight frown at the corner of his eye. They believe that any distance will unite them.
"And I'll love you. To the moon and back. To the sun and back, or even further than that "kenzo whispered softly in ava ear, made both smiles expand.

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