How to love

Hey, y'all so today I taking on the concept of love

This a very touchy and difficult topic for all people, but I hope I could help clear someone improve a realationship,
so lets get to it.

I will break this down in the two most important things about love.

Love is more than just a feeling, it is an action
Which is why we hear people say that love is a lot of work

So how do we do this action?
In short, let the person you have relationship with be FREE
Let them be as free as they want to be to do what they want when they want


Because we are not here to control and restricts others experience on Earth we need to all be free spirits
just like you and I don't want to have restrictions we need to give that to others, love with no conditions


Now, here is where the fun comes in
if your partner does things with thier fredom that hurts you and you cannot have them doing like having intimate realations withothers, than make those rules clear, love is an amazing game we shouldn't be getting hurt

However, if your partner cannot agree to these rules, then you must do yourself and them a favor and let them go
the pain that will come from your partner breaking this rule and the pain on to your partner by the rule being in forced is a fundamental flaw,

If all the rules about this love is clear and just,
then love, love that person as if they were you,
let them be free to explor the grand world and exprensee all they want
With the rules set trust is a second thought that will naturally

Now, the second part of love is to not hold back!

We are all guilty of thinking that the other person should text them or call them,
but through that we hurt ourselves with the waiting game and spoil all the love that is exploding in us waiting to be shared


be silly be goofy be crazy and stupid

give it all you have and do not waste a drop!

and if you are "too much" then good
at least you know that you are doing what is true

Love my friends, let people be free, and don't hold back.

Hope that helps.

A great book to learn more is Don Miguel Ruiz's book "The Mastery of Love"

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