I Never Thought I Would Find Love Until I Met You

I didn’t think I would find a love that stayed until I met you.Fate hadn’t been kind to me. For so long, love was an unrequited feeling, an unreturned text, and an unresolved ending. Love consisted me of doing everything I could to win someone’s affection. Love was a one-sided fight against the overwhelming odds and dark worries that I would eventually lose. Love was me trying in vain to hold onto a relationship that was past the point of saving. Love was cynicism, that if the love I believed in left me in the worst possible way, what hope do I have to meet the right person?

And so after many bitter tears and heartbreaking experiences, I wanted a way out. I was content being by myself. I thought if love wasn’t meant for me, maybe I shouldn’t fight against it. I started to be my own company instead of yearning to find someone. I slowly learned to be okay with myself instead of needing someone to be there for me. I was more concerned with guarding my heart and not getting hurt than anything else.

That was until I met you. You turned my world upside down and blew my mind in the most unexpected way.

I didn’t know how beautiful and empowering love could be until I fell in love with you.

I was accustomed to love that was difficult. It felt almost impossible to find someone of the same wavelength. Someone who accepts the person I am, who embrace my weirdness and presence without any question or judgment. Someone who just gets me so effortlessly as through our minds are wired the same way. Someone who consistently chooses me out of the many options because I’m the only one for him.

For the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me that made me unworthy of love. That I wasn’t good enough the way I was that caused my past relationship to fail. That I didn’t deserve to attract the right person for me.

But you proved me wrong time and time again. You made me believe in love again. You were there for me since the very beginning asking for nothing in return except the chance to love me. You give me nothing but your wholehearted best as you sincerely hope to materialize our forever together.

I didn’t believe I could find my happy ending until we fell in love.

They always say that one day you will meet someone who makes you realize why it had never worked out with anyone before. And as cliché as it is, I’m starting to see why. Since getting together with you, I understand why my past relationship had to fail. Why I had to have my heart broken. Why I been through what I did.

Since being with you, I’m so glad and relieved that my path had been leading up to meeting you and falling in love with you. The past lessons were painful yet timely to teach me what I need to know so that I can be the best version of myself before I could love you. I know how right we are for each other because I know what it was like being with the wrong one.

Now that we’re together, I feel blessed everyday to be with the person that I didn’t dare to dream I would meet. I feel humbled and surreal to be greatly loved and appreciated by you all the time.

I feel hopeful and excited to carve out our happy ending knowing that this is the beginning of our life together.

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