It's the weekend! What are you up to?

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I'm curious friends - what does the average Steemian do on the weekend?

Stay inside & read books?
Go out & party?
Hit up a classy music night at your local coffee shop?
Adventuring the great outdoors?
Netflix binge?
Work all weekend?
Cleaning & organizing for the week ahead?

I wanna know! COMMENT BELOW what you're up to this weekend!

As for us, we have a date night planned this evening. Our last "date night" was probably in August! Oh my gosh, we're not good at making date night a priority with two littles. Now that I say that out loud I can't believe it's been that long!! :O
I think everyone knows it's good to have quality time with their partner & to make an effort doing date nights often. Or even day dates. You don't even have to go out, but making plans to spend time together un-interrupted by life is so important. Everyone knows this, but how many of us actually live by this? I know we need to work at it big time.

(At our last date night)

First stop: Starbucks because, it's finally spring & I'm craving something iced!
Second : Check out a new brewery & sample their beer.
Third : Go get some fish tacos! Extra salsa & quacamole!
Fourth : Home of course. wWe're parents & the baby will likely be up around 11 to nurse. 11 is late for us these days!


As for the rest of the weekend, the huz is brewing beer & we just have a family birthday to go to.
Nothing too crazy I suppose, but a bit more fun then our typical weekend!

Do you ever wish though that there could just be one extra day in the weekend??

-Liz Lemon

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