
A big love word on the doorstep of my room. A phrase that I keep for this to someone. The first and thoughtful phrase I have made but I did not reveal it. Many things come suddenly when the phrase I want to express makes me undo to express it. This is me, Satria Wijaya X class who lives near Singaraja town.

February 25, 2014, the perfect time to celebrate the success of my friend Fitri. Precisely my best friend Fitri, now he made a feast for the success he got 1st place in the provincial level Mathematics Olympiad competition.
"Congratulations Fitri for your success, you are a great champion in the Province." I say with a smile lebarku.
"Thank you Satria, it is also thanks to you who always give me the spirit to go forward, but you do not forget your dream yes." Answered.
"I must have remembered, it was my dream I never forgot."
Suddenly came a man I do not know, has a tall body and has a handsome face.

"Hi Fitri, who is this?" Asked the man.
"This is my best friend Yoga, her name is Satria. Satria introduce my Boyfriend Yoga from Denpasar. "Fitri replied that instantly shocked to hear it.
"Hi, my name is Satria, I'm her best friend Fitri best regards." I replied with my fake smile.
"My name is Yoga best regards. Fitri let me take a walk around your new house. "
"Yes, Satria I stay a little yes, see ya." I immediately waved a sign to see you.
Tonight, the night that makes me shocked by this reality. Unexpected and unbelieving, this can happen. I stared at my ceiling angrily, wanting to feel the face of the Yoga. So furious, I was like a crazy throwing a blow up without any object being hit.

February 26, 2014, I've arrived at school with my galaunya face.
"Wooyy bro, you why? In the morning already upset? "Ask Rita who sat beside me.
"Not really Rit." I replied with a galaunya and immediately leave Rita. Today I was so nervous about what happened yesterday. Almost everyone I do not care about, today I'm like a stranger in my own school.

With a vicious sense of the level of demon who still controls me, a flood suddenly appeared in front of the class that surprised me.
"Happy Birthday !!" Cheers all my classmates.
"Happy birthday Satria, hopefully long yes." Said Fitri who was in front of me.
"Ehh you, already lost your satanic level? I do not realize what she's herself again birthday. "Rita replied that directly pinch my left cheek.
"Aw, stupid sick. Thank you friends for the surprises that made me soaking wet, but what kind of cake where? "My answer is not clear his expression.
"Here's my dumplings." Rita replied that immediately threw a cake into my face and suddenly all my classmates laughed seeing my face filled with cake.

now hours hand has been shown hour 1 day. and suddenly man yesterday made me confusion level of the Demon appear again in front of me. "Hi Satria." Sapa yoga. "Hi yoga, instead of you in Denpasar now?" "I right again ngabisin liburanku, Oh Yes where Fitr?" he said while looking to go there-here to view Fitr being ditunggunya. "search Aja inside, why you ask the same me, I went first Yes." "well you!" I was directly left yoga in front of the school, was yesterday made confusion now add made confusion. the first I hate people that have been dating same my best friend, but surprisingly I always reply questions people of my hate. February 27, 2014, a sense of galauku already a bit decreased 25 percent of the yesterday. initially I don't intention to nurunin sense galauku, but it makes me very tormented. "-Fitr I want to ask the same you, the yoga that class how the hell? why he's not school yesterday?" I asked right in front of the class. "Oh yoga, he tuh already lecture Satria, he tuh now again holiday semester. emangnya why?" "not why-why. merely suspiciously only, lest he skip school yesterday." "why do not suspicious first, Oh Yes Satria bantuin I Yes create task fisikanya, there are gak me know." "Yes I bantuin." I was directly help Fitr for tasks fisikanya. with little joking not feel the feeling of confusion that direct me forget, and Mr. Gita entered my class and take me one teacher PPL. my directly look Pak Gita and teachers PPL, it is not my thought Pak Gita invite people who have made me confusion level of Satan this. "children introduce teacher PPL mathematics our new. please introduce yourself right now." said Mr. Gita. "pekenalkan the name of the father of yoga wisesa, Mr. from the University of udayana." replied the yoga smiles as he glanced Fitr. for hours subjects take place, concentration is dispersed. I just think people named yoga, want to me at the face of the person but I could not do so. school Bell was already reads signifies school time has expired or is it's time for the home. right in front of the school when all the people do not there anybody, I saw someone is talk to yoga. I was a peek the conversation. "yoga when we go holiday? instead you now again holiday semester?" "patient Unfortunately, we definitely go holidays I promise will invite you to the place you like." "real? Yee !! thank you Yes yoga, you are my boyfriend Dear." I was very surprised to see all of this, it is not believe someone who loved by my best friend can do this. without thinking, I headed home-Fitr that is not too far away from the school. want it I tell all this. I finally arrived in front of House Fitr, as I want to call-Fitr arrived a shadow come over to my mind. "if I said it all to Fitr, might I slapped because I have no evidence of anything. but if not, I can't help it, so what should my do?" I immediately put off my intention to do this, I had to go home. arrival at home, I continue to think of it. I was not willing to friends of my best treated like this by people who loved. February 28, 2014, the day where yoga teaching in my class. with the taste so painful, I ignored him when hours eyes lesson. it's more painful as friend own being smiles to see her boyfriend who have stabbed him from behind. Bell break it reads. "Satria come to the cafeteria was hungry NIH." invite-Fitr, "come on, you are neraktir Yes!" "basic you, wants treated to only. let's quick to the cafeteria trigger crowded." "Yes Fitr." arriving at the cafeteria, me and Fitr equally buy chicken noodle meatballs. when we again cool to eat together, suddenly the person I hate to come over to the two of US. "fit again why?" "eh yoga, this again eat chicken noodle meatballs same Satria, let's go." "should also, ma'am chicken noodle meatballs one!" he shouted order chicken noodle meatballs. I just silent while bow and listen to talk Fitr same yoga. "-Fitr I first Yes, it NIH chicken noodle baksoku." "Oh Yes, later wait I in class Yes." "Yes." I went straight to leave the two of them. Bell home school already reads, all students returned to their homes. while I accidentally to go home slower, I just make sure events yesterday again. and I did not any more, the yoga it was dating same affair. and this time, I ventured to bring the HP my school record all this. finally I get the evidence is strong enough to drop yoga it. after getting this evidence I headed home-Fitr. "-Fitr, Fitr!" "Yes, eh Satria why you here?" "it is not important, try to view this video." I live shows the new video I record. with the expression of strange to me, Fitr directly leave me sign in to his home when after watching the video. I still confused see expression firti never my view all this time. I decided to go home alone, as long as in the way I think of behavior has been my do. "what the behavior of my was it wrong? is Fitr believe the video? what he trust? possible she directly decided to do with yoga and hate it or otherwise he hates me?" February 28, 2014, I leave school with the state of the heart that has not bear the burden of painful again. everyone I Sapa with a smile sugar, up to the people say I strange this day. I finally arrived in class beloved, some people already in the class there Leoni, Sanjaya, Yogi, Iwan, dawn, Rica, srijayanti, slave, but there is a strange me feel, Fitr where? "Leoni dapet see Fitr not?" I asked the relaxed. "-Fitr? instead he now permission school." "license? does in where?" "you don't know? basic friends who don't care, he now has event fiance same his girlfriend's why he now permission." "what? fiance?" kejutku when listen the news about firti.

I'm not doing it so cruel to my best friend. I went straight out of the classroom, my step forward to Fitri's house. I ran so hard that I was not late for the event. Upon arriving there, the quiet atmosphere is like nothing in this house. I called Fitri's name in front of her house instead of Fitri who was out but her mother went outside.
"Morning Satria, what are you doing here?"
"Is there Fitri inside?"
"Oh Fitri, Fitri is inside exactly in her room. Already from last night he did not talk until his engagement to Yoga was canceled. "
"Can I get in?"
"Please son Satria, invite Fitri talk yes."

I've been knocking on Fitri's door many times, but there's no answer. I kept knocking on his door while calling his name, but still no answer. Until I lost my temper, I finally decided to break the door of her room. The first break was unsuccessful, the second and third too, and the fourth break succeeded. After the door opened, I was shocked until my heart would be dislodged.

"Fitri !!!" I say as loudly as possible until her mother comes too. I cried as hard as I could see Fitri's body lying on her bed full of blood.
"I can speak again as well as shedding my tears that wet his cheek kirnya. I did not think this was happening, my best friend was gone because of the hatred that permeated my body.
"Fitri forgive me Fitri, I do not intend to do that to make you do this deed. I just want you to know, but I did not think you dared to do this act. I'm sorry to have ruined your feelings for Yoga, I'm so sorry. And there's something I want to say before that I Love You Fitri. "

March 1, 2014, the day Fitri was buried, wearing Balinese customs, I followed Fitri's funeral. Guilt still stays in my heart, I am so guilty to people who have loved Fitri and more painful today is Fitri's 17th birthday. The funeral is done, everyone has gone from the cemetery only me and Yoga still standing upright in front of Fitri's grave.

"She is the sweetest girl I ever had, she was the strongest girl I ever had, the kindest and most caring girl I ever had. I'm so happy the first day me and Fitri are going, but I can not imagine that today can happen, it's the first day it was yesterday. Just so you know Satria, actually Firti just misunderstood me, she thought I was cheating on other people, but actually the girl that he considered my affair is my cousin my sister who often called me with affection. Huh, I can not bear this pain for too long. "Said Yoga while putting her engagement ring with Fitri at Fitri's grave and she immediately left.

I just kept silent and shed tears to see this reality. I'm so sorry to do that to destroy the life of my best friend. I think I have destroyed this world. I put a letter from Fitri beside the ring of Yoga.

"Hi Satria, now January 22, 2014, at 2:30 pm you know not today, what day? Do not you forget today! Today is our third friendship anniversary. I did not expect, we've been friends since three years ago. I still remember three years ago we were still in junior high school, when we were still united. I'm so happy to have a friend like you, hopefully our friendship will stay awake until we can achieve our dreams each or get us old. But you have to promise in friendship, we should not love each other because we are family.
Sweet regards,
Fitri. "

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