Please, help me keep her. A birthday to remember.

I am aiming to get your attention and your sympathy, my wife's life is literally at stake. Her birthday is on March 22nd, less than a week away.


We live in a country where it is very hard to make a living (Trinidad & Tobago).

I seem to have a hard time setting up a #GoFundMe campaign, I don't know if it's because I feel bad asking for handouts or what. Steemit on the other hand, I have no problem opening up to a bunch of complete strangers, and asking you all for a little help. I feel like this is the better option for my crowdfunding endeavor since I don't actually have to ask for money, only your upvotes and resteems.

The reason I am here writing this post right now is because I would like to be able to pay our bills as well as cover our travel expenses to get to the hospitals in the USA. I want to be able to feed my wife healthy, organic, real food. Most importantly, I absolutely need to be able to afford her doctor's visits that she needs for her heart, because my beautiful wife was born as one of the unlucky infants who ended up with Tetralogy of Fallot.


Tetralogy of Fallot (teh-TRAL-uh-jee of fuh-LOW) is a rare condition caused by a combination of four heart defects that are present at birth (congenital).

These defects, which affect the structure of the heart, cause oxygen-poor blood to flow out of the heart and to the rest of the body. Infants and children with tetralogy of Fallot usually have blue-tinged skin because their blood doesn't carry enough oxygen.

Tetralogy of Fallot is often diagnosed during infancy or soon after. However, tetralogy of Fallot might not be detected until later in life in some adults, depending on the severity of the defects and symptoms

With early diagnosis followed by appropriate surgical treatment, most children and adults who have tetralogy of Fallot live relatively normal lives, though they'll need regular medical care throughout life and might have restrictions on exercise." -

We have not been able to afford to see her doctors for years and we desperately need to get her in for a check-up. It doesn't cost anything to upvote and resteem this post. I think that's why I am able to ask for your help. You have nothing to lose. But I do, and I will do whatever I have to do to protect the most precious love of my life.


Our names are Simone and Eddie. We are 26 and 33 years old. We met in a group on Facebook called Namasté, almost exactly 2 years ago. A very long story cut really really short, we immediately fell in love and I flew from the USA to Trinidad to be with the woman I am now proud to call my wife.


Simone is an artist and she can be found at @ascendedmonkey - She is amazing and I love her to pieces, she deserves all the best things in life but would humbly settle for much less. I am going to make sure she doesn't have to. With your help it would be a lot easier. I just need help from you, together we are powerful people, we could easily be on our way to getting my wife some much needed medical care. All I ask is for your upvotes and resteems, and if you're feeling altruistic, a donation.

We are both entrepreneurs, in today's economy you know how stressful that can be. I work full time and so does she. Even if we made 5 times what we make it still wouldn't cover the hospital costs, it's sickening that people have to resort to virtually begging for handouts online to get any kind of assistance. At the least, in countries without free medical. (I've heard Socialist healthcare isn't always that great)

Eventually having the funds to grow our own sustenance on a piece of land somewhere in Peru is our aim, it's been a bumpy road but we are fighters and we will succeed no matter what.


If you are in any way compelled to support us, here is a list of ways you can make our lives a little easier.


You can make donations in the form of STEEM or SBD directly to @ascendedmonkey or @crystalhuman

We have PayPal, our emails are and, both emails are connected to the PayPal account.

Our Cryptocurrency wallets are as follows.

Potcoin - PUiuZvJjpbD8vUdfMsaUWUXBh3ACCUfMtG
Dogecoin - D99to2EaUtPoywhAY7q1MiL3YCUoQyhFEo
Bitcoin - 13Nvj6pEoThHzqnicMsQidqfE6yqarvHAP
Bitcoin Cash - qqdpt4detlxt09v4nlh50xaz050uznk8h5808qrnk3
Ether - 0x1337E9789e4c5237B5063669CFA8E9fCd8F5E349
Litecoin - LPmY5x7UBqizqVGMgbGZpf1knSyex4Foxb
Zcash - t1aPDUn8Ft2K3rVsvLR6qMp9LoSppAiejaG
Vertcoin - VmHzbtpML8wrZvmvKDGzGKrmfiYtUcBj7s
Peercoin - PLdPHM92zJYQuzxBB3zQMTTs3hmHuQM3q1
Feathercoin - 6hWMqwAacmwVXUJQiHziK4Yf3PVc9k6MWV
Reddcoin - RvUKfYV3taQdFxq1WDTSGBVXVSxum6FHSX
Ripple - Tag 1004916261 - address rPVMhWBsfF9iMXYj3aAzJVkPDTFNSyWdKy
Monero - Base Address
Payment ID 299b47418fbc4f9a908f6b59dc6159ccf4b0b20b392b47aab9984cc166282358

Thanks for your support, we are both looking forward to many more years of steeming with you all.

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