Photo Dessy #6 | Minum Kopi di Pagi Hari

Minum Segelas Kopi dengan kue lapis, kue sarikaya, kue ketan membuat suasana di pagi hari ini semakin ceria Sebelum beraktifitas mari teman steemian minum kopi dulu supaya mata tidak mengantuk lagi Cuaca pagi hari ini sangat cerah, suara kendaraan sudah mulai berlalu-lalang melintasi warung kopi tempat saya mampir ini Burung-burung camar di tepi pantai yang indah pun sudah mulai berterbangan mengintai pinggir pantai untuk melihat ikan yang bisa mereka sambar Semoga teman steemian dimana pun berada mendapatkan suasana kenyamanan di pagi hari ini Salam



Potret Dessy


Drinking Coffee in the Morning Drink a glass of coffee with layer cake, sarikaya cake, sticky rice cake makes the atmosphere in the morning more cheerful Before going to activity, let's have a friend steemian drink coffee first so that the eyes are not sleepy anymore This morning's weather was very bright, the sound of vehicles had begun to pass through the coffee shop where I stopped by Even beautiful seagulls by the beach have begun to fly lurking on the beach to see fish they can grab Hopefully friends of steemian wherever they are get a comfort atmosphere this morning Regards,

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