Join the Fountain Longevity Circle



Living a long, long, long, long time has always been one of my goals.

I just obtained the @flc handle to found the Fountain Longevity Circle here on Steemit.

The mission of the Fountain Longevity Circle is to enable human longevity enthusiasts to earn Steem (a crypto token) just by doing what they already love to do.

If you write blog posts about life-extension technologies or make youtube videos… post them on Steemit and earn Steem!

Did you know that you can also be paid for content curation on Steemit?

Yeah, it’s true. Just by reading and voting up content that you like, you can earn.

Also earn coin for commenting…

If you make intelligent comments on an article that you just read, you may get votes on your comments and earn Steem.

How do you get involved?

Step 1: Get an account on Steemit.

Step 2: Secure your password!

Step 3. Follow @flc

Step 4. Start reading about longevity and other related topics.

Step 5. Follow the authors of those blog posts to build our circle.

Step 6. Upvote the best content so that the cream rises to the trending page and good work is rewarded most.

Step 7. Add value to the post with friendly and constructive comments.

Step 8. Whenever you do submit a blog post on Steemit, make sure to use #longevity (only if your post is about longevity) so that other members of our circle can find it.

Note: If you are a researcher in the life-extension field. The Steem blockchain is a wonderful place to post your output and have it timestamped and monetized.

Back to your first step… joining Steemit. There might be a short (or long) waiting time right now due to thousands of people wanting to join a once.

If you are impatient you can use the service:

If you are a longevity researcher or enthusiast of note… I will personally walk you through this process and may even pay for your account if you are awesome enough. ;)

Contact me here: steemshark @ gmail dot com (my name is Troi)

BTW it only costs 0.007 BTC (bitcoin) or 10 STEEM to join Steemit via Anon Steem BUT it costs ZERO to join in the normal lineup here:

I hope that this was not too much information at once. If so… go directly to step 4 and just see what other people are writing about #longevity on Steemit.

Welcome to the Fountain Longevity Circle, my friend.

May you live 1000 years!

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