Work From Home - The Other Side Of The Coin

Work From Home



There's been a lot of talk about the benefits of the "new normal" with regards to working from home. As more people are forced to work from their own homes, people have discovered that they've been saving money based on the elimination of various costs.

People travel less, hence spend less on transportation. In places like London, that's a significant amount. There are also efficiencies associated with having lunch (and breakfast) at home compared to eating in a workplace canteen or city restaurant.

As we approach Lockdown 2.0 though, some different costs have started to surface especially in the northern hemisphere. The first lockdown was in Spring/Summer for us here, and we were fortunate to have some good weather, so a good portion of time was spent actually outdoors in the garden ( for those who have them).

This time round, we're going into the cold dark season. This means we are going to be indoors more even if we have gardens. This also means the house has to be heated and lit for longer, because of the long hours of darkness, resulting in increased energy costs.

If you add the fact that people that work from home will likely have their computer on the whole time, and possible some additional electrical equipment such as a table lamp, it all adds up.

I use a pay-as-you-go gas meter because it's a very old one and I don't want to change it. I have my reasons, but that's a post for another day. I have noticed that, already, I'm having to recharge it more frequently. It's not even that cold yet, and we're not officially in lockdown here in London.

My other bills arrive in a couple of days and I am expecting a higher number than before. I'm quite conservative with the way I use energy, yet I'm seeing the increase. I can only imagine how much more someone with a large family is going to have to fork out during this second lockdown.

Peace & Love,


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