Thank Dog It's Friday

We did it everyone! One more week at an end, one more Halloween come and gone (I guess it's time for Christmas now) and one more Friday to welcome! Thank Dog It's Friday! #thankdogitsfriday

This is how I feel this week.


I am, however, hopeful that before too long I'll get to be feeling like this. Doesn't this look cozy? Curled up on a big oversized couch inside multiple blankets.


This next doggie is just happy to have a home. My boys grandmother needed a new dog and was looking at the SPCA for possibilities. She found this poochie - Victoria - (no relation that I know of to me) who had been left there several months prior by her previous owners who were moving and could not keep her. She's 10 years old and looks like a mutt. She is the happiest doggie in the world and is just so happy to have a place to stay and people to be with.


She has made herself right at home. Remember, all dogs deserve a home, even the older ones.


Have a great Friday!

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

(design by remyrequinart:

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