Stop thinking about this...

Do you know your thoughts can affect people around the you?

Oh, yes, it's obvious, you think, act, and it affects people around, you say?

Great thinking.

However, that's bit far from what I mean.

I'm pretty sure there have been scenarios where you think about someone and they show up. You think about something and you find out someone close to you is also thinking the same thing or they even voice it.

That's called Telepathy --- the transfer of thoughts from one mind to another.

That means if you think about toxic things consistently, you're damaging the society big time aside from the harm you're causing yourself.

So think positive all the time. Discard all negative thoughts of Fear, Hate, Failure, etc.

Sanitize and train your mind to think positive always as it's the open secret to living a better life. And to affect your environment positively.

Thoughts are powerful.
And by the way, God holds you responsible for your thoughts. Genesis 6:5 -7.

Have a great day.

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