I've never been more certain.

Living 400 feet from my corporate job has been advantageous in some ways and a nightmare in others. At first I'd occasionally make empty promises to myself that I'd "go into work and do it later" before proceeding to procrastinate on whatever task I had for that workday. I'd take naps in my own bed and cook for myself over lunch breaks, which almost always exceeded the unspoken 1-hour rule. But once I was back at home for the day, I could barely get work off of my mind. After all, it was RIGHT THERE. I could see it from my dining room window. I knew it was a blessing to live so close to my very first professional gig, but I didn't know how to treat it like one. A friend said to me, "You are in that specific situation for a reason. What are you going to do with it?"

Now I know.

The job is mediocre at best. Really it's only perks are its flexibility and proximity. Another engineering job at another company is not the solution to my restlessness. What I've gained more and more clarity on throughout my first year and a half of work is that... I. Want. Out. Right now my middle name is Cogin. My last name Corporate Machine. Yes I know, it doesn't make sense. That's how under-stimulated I am at this place. And THAT is why I want my own shit.

I am here in this situation so that I have the flexibility and time to work on building an independent venture from basically nothing. I am an entrepreneur at heart. It's time I start becoming one in terms of using my mind and body.
Consider this my declaration.

Now reading: The $100 Startup and The 4-Hour Workweek and the fire is LIT!

Time to start using those lunch breaks (starting with this post).

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