What's the worst thing that has ever happened to you as a person?

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I have never considered anything in life to be "bad" or "worse" than anything else in life because I believe that everything that happens in life is meant to happen for a reason and to teach a lesson. If I had to choose one instance that caused the most growth, I would say my divorce from my husband. Short story is that I was a stay at home wife and he chose to walk away from our marriage and pursue a relationship with another woman. I hadn't worked in a couple of years so I had to find a job in order to pay bills. And, emotionally, I needed to recover from not feeling like enough. What I have realized is that I needed to learn to love myself before I could learn to love others again. I learned that his choice to walk away was HIS choice and had really nothing to do with me. That experience taught me so much and set me on a journey of self-discovery that I am incredibly grateful for. I have taken a direction in life that I never thought I would and it would not have happened if he had stayed in our marriage. 

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