Keeping Up With The Snarkster - or - How A Cat Bullied Me Into Moving Back To My Parents' Place

So yeah, I haven't been super active lately - not around here, at least.

As it often does, real life has happened. I'm moving to a different country to start a business, and getting my shit in order is proving to be a Sisyphean ordeal. Throw some family-related issues in the mix, and that's pretty much what my life has looked like for the past month or so.

What does this have to do with you and Steemit, you ask?

Under these conditions, writing is pretty much out of the question - so no new content for you, dear follower.

(Also, my fiancée's bastard of a cat took a juicy, sloppy shit on our mattress, so I had to move back to my parents' place for a few days. I got back my old room. Still smells like pubescent desperation.)

So... that's why my proverbial pen hasn't been scribbling masterpiece after masterpiece these last couple of weeks.

See you on the other side. Ta-ta!

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