
A woman brings warm, comfort, peace and tender loving to the family. A woman cares diligently for all under her. She tries her best to be responsible for all around her. She cares for her children, her husband, her relative, her husband’s relatives and sundry.

A woman is the most delicate creature of God. Women are often considered as being weak and dependent. In fact, from time immemorial a woman is believed to be solely the responsibility of the parent (when not yet married) or of the husband (when married).


When a woman in the home is happy, everyone around her shares in that happiness. But when she is not happy, everyone is bound to be uncomfortable and displeased. This is why all men try their possible best to make sure that their women her happy.

In an effort to achieve this goal, men are most times stagnated and incomprehensible of what a woman really wants and what they can do to please her. Thus, this has lead to the big question:



There are assumptions and reality of what a woman really needs. It will be obvious by now to you that a woman is most times indecisive of what she wants when she is with the person she really loves. Like I said earlier, a woman is biologically programmed to be dependent. She most times wishes her man would do the choosing for her. She expects you to know want she wants and get that for her and when you fail, the big question “WHAT DOES A WOMAN REALLY WANTS” pops up.

To tackle this question on every man’s lips both married and single, we will need to understand the assumptions and reality of what a woman really wants so we will be able to separate the grain from the shaft.

  1. MONEY

Everyone will be like “yeaaaa!!! We know that”. What if I told you your woman does not really need your money? It’s true that everyone needs money to survive, but sometimes, some women over-demand. A woman who truly loves you will not ask you for money but will get it when you give her. She needs simple gifts from you to show her you care, that you think of her wellbeing, that you notice her. When a new episode of her favourite movie is out, you can either download or buy it for her. Recharge her phones once in a while. When you notice her hair cream is going down, get her one after work. When her eye shadow or nails is getting old help her change it with a token. Get her fruit after work to show you have her in mind.


Although it’s a woman’s role to be the caregiver in a family or relationship, she also demands care from people around her. Most men scare away from giving care to their woman because they believe it makes them look weak. Bro! That is a fat lie. Your boys might look at you with a look screaming “nigga, you messing up” but really, they are wishing they could do that. Help your wife or girlfriend in the kitchen. Sometimes you cook for her while she takes a rest. I cook 60% of the time whether my girlfriend is around or not. If she travelled and she is coming back, I prepare her favourite for her and serve on her arrival. She blushes all over the place. Make warm water for her to take her bath, lead her there and help her bathe. When she is back from somewhere and she is looking stressed, help her out of her clothes. When she is feeling sleeping while you guys where catching a movie in the sitting room, don’t wake her to go to bed. Pick her up like a man and tug her into bed. Let her wake up and find herself elsewhere safe, courtesy of you.

    I will say this is key, Appreciate her always. Even if you are a broke guy and you are good with this alone, you can keep your girl or wife as long as you want her. Women want to be appreciated always. Tell how beautiful she is looking without make up, tell her you love the dress she is wearing and the next day, tell her it was very pretty. When she washes for you, tell her thanks, she is not a slave. Don’t forget to tell her how nice her meal taste, call her beautiful names even the silliest ones. Always try to make it categorically clear to her you admire her and that she is the most beautiful person you have met in your life.


Most men are bad communicators. They are not skilled in the art of communication. They can’t communicate their thought and feelings effectively to their spouse. Lack of communication spoils a lot of relationship. Women want to talk to you about themselves. They want you to know their kind of person, their feelings, emotions and needs and you can know all this only by creating a good communication environment with her. Listen to her no matter how boring the conversation is. Show interest, ask her questions and just indulge in the conversation. She will feel more close to you and happy around you.

  1. SEX

Yes sex! Sex is very important in a relationship and has been the main terminator of most broken homes and relationship. Both men and women demands full sexual satisfaction. Lack of sexual activity in a relationship or unsatisfied sexual desires in a relationship most definitely always leads to displeasure, cheating and broken homes. Don’t be afraid to explore with your partner each other’s sexual fantasy. Attempt variety in bed. As they say, “variety is the spice of life”. Try different things and keeping loving yourselves.

This article is not exhaustive. They are other things you need to add I your relationship to spice things up. Don’t forget to play Mista Romantic with her.play like kids and laugh like babies together. Make her your best friend and love her like your life depends on it.


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