Food for Thought

If you don't learn and you don't grow, you're standing still. You're dying.

Every day I learn something new. It's invigorating. What's even better is when I'm able to share what I've learned with others to enrich their lives.

Who you are today, you may not be tomorrow. The mistakes you made in the past don't define you. Even if you made a mistake today or didn't feel that your head was in the game 100%, you're human. Tomorrow, you can start fresh. Tomorrow, you can move forward and create a better experience with the knowledge you've gained from your pitfalls.

What you want YOU CAN HAVE. It takes being in tune with yourself. You have to recognize your BAD habits and replace them by being proactive and consistent. Is it easy? Not at first, but it's not impossible. If you think you get gratification from your bad habits, you won't believe the rewards you'll get for the GOOD ones you form. Much more gratifying.

What are you striving for? Who are you striving to become? How do you see yourself? What do you want?
I ask myself these questions because I know I can be better.

I used to dwell on the past, then I became obsessed with my future. I've learned that the best space to be in is the now.

I want to grow. I want to evolve. I want to live.

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