FIRST POST: Why is life so hard?

Why is life so hard?

By Underground Writer

My work was rejected again. My writing was “too harsh”, or “needs to be toned down”. None of my work ever made it to a legitimate (?) publisher. If I wanted my work published, I had to change my style and temperament to fit the needs of a few decision makers. Thankfully, we are in the informational age, where information flows freely through the internet across the globe. At this point in my life, I just don’t give a shit. I want my writing to be free. I want to write my writing. I want to write exciting pieces that tell the truths about this world. I may not always be right, but at least my writing won’t be tainted by retards who believe things can only be done in prescribed ways. It is fooking year 2017: change is a permanent reality that we must all expect and embrace. But nope, there will always be an endless army of complacent, lazy people who refuse to change and refuse to take responsibility while life breezes through them. Why is life so hard? Life is not easy. At times, life can be fooking hard. Life can be a bitch for anyone, no matter where you are and who you are. We have no choice but to accept it and keep on living.
I used to bitch and moan all the time about why my life sucked so much when I was in my 20’s and below. I am in my 30’s now and I still freak out like a little child when times get rough. For example, just yesterday, after a hard day at work, I smoked up some sativa to pump myself up for my walk around the neighborhood with my dog. The trees were green and the sun was shining. I thought about how awesome I was at work and felt pretty good. But then a bumblebee landed near the left side of my waist. I fooking freaked out and ran. After 12 seconds of mad running, I got tired and started walking again. But the bumblebee kept following me. I started freaking out again. So I ran another 10 seconds. To my horror, the bumblebee was still following me and my dog. “WTF? Why the fook is this bee still following me?” I thought to myself. I was freaking stressed out. Why is life so stressful? I had to act quick. I saw a sizable branch in front of me, picked it up, and waited patiently for the bee to land on me again. It landed on the right side of my sweatpants, and I swiftly rained down terror on the bumblebee with my branch. I hit myself repeatedly and managed to hit the bee as well. Once it hit the ground, I stomped the shit out of it. I destroyed that shit bee. I felt proud for getting rid of aggressive bee DNA.
Not only is life really hard, it is also not fair at all. There are boundless number of people who are better looking than me, smarter than me, and/or wealthier than me. Life is just not fair for any of us when we start comparing ourselves to those around us. But that’s OK. Everyone has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses that can be customized and improved to do something great in life. Unless you were born as a slave under a totalitarian state, you’re good to go. You have all the information you need at your fingertips to make shit happen. If we choose to be open-minded, most of us are blessed to live in such amazing times of individual freedom to information. Life is hard, but let’s keep on living.

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