Break Even point..

Hello Guys, Happy Sunday ...

I have learned this term when I was doing my economics course " Break even Point" which means total cost and total revenue are equal. Now you can ask me what is the relation between this term and my post. let me explain that.


I personally feel every human has a break-even point in their life and comparison between two. For example, when your tolerance and limitations become equal, there is no loss or gain. It's a calculation.

When your feelings are mixed, your joy and sadness are equal, you feel nothing and this happened to me several times. I felt nothing because of crossing my limitations, my tolerance.


You know what I never enjoyed controversy or people talking about me instead of knowing me. I don't judge people and never reach a conclusion, this is not me because I am no one to judge someone and throw feedback towards them.

I already mentioned I am a very introvert girl, I can't express everything about me and my points, logic. This can be harmful, dangerous and my silence doesn't harm anyone.

Currently I am on the break-even point, I feel nothing


I have a lot to say, perhaps more then I could ever imagine. I never said I don't have mistakes and never stopped myself blaming but I am not a product whom you can sell infront of the market, but somebody did.

I had to go through a long dark journey, some know and they know me. 1 year back I wrote about it, I know who am I but as I have said people are judgemental and reach conclusion. I never harass anyone, I never sold someone's feelings, someone's personal life but now I am on sale as a product in a shop. My feelings are on sale.

Nice, huhh....


Every coin has two sides, you can't throw a decision on the basis of one side. Everyone has their own reason but hey we are people and we are judgemental. Have you ever experience this breakeven point? have you ever realized this mixed feeling? have you ever felt the pain when someone is selling your pain and emotions?

Maybe yes or maybe not.

I know my pain, I know what I am going through, I know what happened, why happened but this is not done yet. I feel like I am now just a product not human. It hurts a lot, it really hurts.

Again I am saying...

Coin has two sides

and there is a reason behind everything.....Please don't reach the conclusion before knowing the entire scenario...




I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thought easily...

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Thank you so much...Thanks to @bdcommunity for always supporting me. Also, I am thankful towards @welcomewagon for giving me the opportunity to develop myself and for generous support from all members...thank you @nathanmars for enormous support. Thank you @onelovedtube, @DIYTube, and @helpie ...

Thank you @sergiomendes for this amazing GIF.... If you want your GIF also you can contact with him...

Also wanna Thank @singhcapital for support and contribution. He is contributing a lot to steem blockchain and supporting lots of steemians. He is here with a massive project and spreading words about crypto among people. If you want to be part of his journey, all you have to do follow @Thejohalfiles .

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