Motivation- Talking to yourself

One question arises in my mind, how great a person can become in his lifetime?
Person can become as great as he want without limit if he has courage and not to quit attitude in his mind. If lose hope because we don’t trust our own ability. So believing in our self is the first step towards the success.
If you start losing hope then think of one thing only why you started that work, this will give you courage to continue that work.

Hard work beats talent?
I agree with this line that if you are talented then it is god gift so at that time you can achieve success with less effort. If you don't possess the talent then you have to do extra hard work to compete with other.
There are many people in this world that are talented but they are so lazy that they do not try to get success. So for average men who are not so god gifted hard work is only remedying along with the determination to go on its own way.

W2985904.jpege stop chasing our goal as soon as we encounter difficulty. Fighting for a cause on daily basis is really tiring. But to achieve success we need hard work in a disciplined manner. What makes difference between the winner and loser is the attitude of the person towards his goal.

Don't stop when you are tired, stop only when you are done. If you cannot be true to yourself then how can be you true to anybody else. If you cannot give your 100 percent for your own goals then how can you be fruitful for other. If you cannot love yourself then how can you spread love among other?

Challenges put the burden on the shoulders but the real winner makes them a source of motivation rather than the burden. If you get an easy win then you will be happy but you will forget the journey soon. But if you earn and learn the lesson in a hard way then you will remember the journey for your whole life.

Never stop and wait for other to support, try to finish the race first so that you can become the inspiration for other. What is binding you are your own thought process as you made the mind that you can only achieve at that limit. Your own thought process is holding you back. So release yourself with the open mind and believe yourself that you are more capable then you thought to be yourself2985904.jpeg

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