hai steemian friend, now i want to share knowledge about Gender

Nowadays, in this globalization era, many of the women ask for their role in the society and development in several aspects. It is all because of the women feel and thinks that the society seems to be always commiting the discriminative action, inequality to the women, and creating the gap between men and women. For the example, the women have always been victims of sexual harassment, violence, human trafficking, and they are often blocked in their chances of advancements for the top positions, they also limits the potential and talent of women, etc. It actually triggers the movement of women who demand the existence of gender equality in every country.
In Indonesia, the existence of gender biased like patriarchal culture, has become a culture and stereotype in the society, they thought that the men always have higher position than women in every aspect of life. This stereotype revealed that men get the priority over the women in every aspects. This stereotype also creates the limits for women for a career, the limits for develops their potential skill, and the limits to develop the country just like the do. This kind of stereotype is called gender inequality. The main point recent feminism has stressed about gender inequality is that it is not an individual matter but is deeply society ingrained in the structure of societies.
The research of gender inequality index in several aspects by Badan Pusat Statistic revealed that the percentage of women aged 25 and over who graduated from high school is 31.87%. Over the past seven years, the percentage tend to rise for women, but the gap of achievement of men and women is still the same, that is 6%. In the other side, the percentage of women who become the member of legislative only 17.32% in public election 2014, even the percentage of a few bits decrease compare to the previous election, 17, 86%. The percentage of worker's paticipant for women over the seven periods, have no indication of improvements. Meanwhile, the distance of the women and men gap for worker particpant relatively the same.
Actually, the government has created the Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection but it is not enough. We need somthing more, we need to find new solution and establish the new specific institution for gender inequality. So, not only the government and the institution to solve the problem of gender inequality but also the influence of society to create the gender equality to everybody.
So, the programs that we can create to solve the gender inequality problem are gender inequality and how to solve this problem. institution, so the sustainable development goals will be true. The eduacation strategy has four programs there are: (1) Create a gender equality as a subject for the character education and morals; (2) Perform the counseling and socialization for Indonesian citizens; (3) Establish the institution or organziation Anti Gender Inequality; (4) Create the Anti Gender Inequality media.
For the outcomes of the education strategy, we hope that the government, The Minsitry of Education also The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, other instituition, NGOs, and especially the society have the role to campaign about gender inequality, how to solve this problem and help to empowering the women especially in the rural and remote places, and make sure this programs will work properly and succeed.

    1.1 Background
    One of the goals of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 17 goals declared by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 is to encourage gender equality. The contents of these objectives include achieving gender equality, empowering women, and ending all forms of discrimination and violence against women. It is also in line with Indonesia's human development goals of achieving gender equality and women's empowerment.
    In this era of globalization and increasingly modern technology, the role of women in development and various aspects such as: politics, education, economy, and more widespread and growing rapidly. But in reality, there are still many women who actually get discrimination both from men and by the surrounding community. For people who have been rooted in patriarchy and culture, as in the Indonesian state, it still considers that women are weak and put men's position higher than women in all walks of life. This is called inequality.

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