What Is The Month During Pregnancy?

First three months: If you are born with a urine or blood test, then consult a doctor quickly. At this time many people are vomiting, vomiting. There is nothing to worry about. Many people get dishonestly or increase interest in new food. During this time, the brain's brain is well-formed by using folic acid.

Three to five months: In the first three months, the body feels like it is very bad. Wear comfortable lounging clothes. Interestingly, at this time you can understand that your baby is moving in the stomach. The movement of the child gradually becomes more apparent.

Five to seven months: At this time your stomach will grow rapidly and it will be visually visible that you are pregnant. Hunger will be increased than before. At this time you will have to eat balanced food. For example, bread, potatoes, rice, fish, meat, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy foods, grain meal etc. Food that is easily digested in one word. Avoid excess oil-greasy foods, fried foods. Green leafy vegetables, tomato, lemon, nut calcium and iron deficiency.
Seven to eight months: Start thinking what you want to do for your child. Start by closing the necessary items. Keep a blood group with friends or relatives who can donate blood if needed. Walking Best Exercise

Eight to nine months: If you give birth to a child in the hospital, then arrange clothes, money, and servicing beforehand. Keep the necessary telephone number before delivery begins. The last weeks of pregnancy seem to be very long. So do something like this that you do not feel bored. The abdominal stiffness, spread of the waist to the front of the abdomen, frequent pain, blood-pissed pubic symptoms of pain pains.

General problems and
things to do in pregnancy During the pregnancy, the body needs to work a lot to cope with everything. Some changes may seem difficult to you. If a problem arises, then consult a doctor quickly.

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