How I descovered my gut’s voice and how it led me to Steemit

I have always trusted my mind and my analysis. That’s how I used to make decisions: looking at pros and cons, gathering data and relying on facts. And it worked…kind of.
I got to a point where I had a stable job that didn’t bring me much joy and satisfaction anymore. I didn’t have enough courage to follow my dreams. I started questioning my passions and almost gave up on them. I had a group of friends that was holding me back and I let that happen.

When does the change start? And how?

Usually when you go through something or you’re on the rebound.
Become a risk taker!
3 years ago I was sitting in the office frustrated and restless. But that day I made a decision to put it all on the line and take a risk. 3 weeks later I moved to a different continent. I left my family, friends, my comfort zone and back then I didn’t know that I was leavin it for a long time.

Push yoursefl and grow even if it hurts!

It would be a lie if I said that it was easy but nothing worth having comes easy. I suffered from loneliness, isolation, longing, struggle, difficulties, fear, limitations, discomfort. But it made me use all the sources that I had to survive. I used all soft skills that I have learned over the last several years. I fought my weaknesess and fears. And it worked. With every passing month I felt stronger, better, smarter. In a year I deciced to take another risk and go on a dream trip. I knew it would suck up all of my resources (money) but fear wasn’t my guide anymore. And when it did happen, when all my money turned into priceless memories I moved back to my country, finished my first single without thinking about my luck of talent, tools or what would people think.

Grow and believe in yourself and your guts will follow!

And then I started to look for a job. After 2 months of struggling with poor job offers, poor salary offers, a difficult job market and economy I almost gave up. I have never believed in intuition and have never listened to my guts but one day I got a job offer that sounded very attractive. And I was going to accept it but something was telling me that it wasn’t a good decision. I had no idea why I felt like that. But that thought has haunted me and I couldn’t ignore it. And for the first time in my life I decided to trust that feeling. As a result of who I’ve become and trusting myself like never before I declined the offer. At this point my self-esteem, courage and resilience were already so well-established and strong that I litteraly coudn’t stop believing. A month later I got a phone call from my friend who got the job that I was offered and she hates it. Mostly because of the bad atmosphere at work. And guess what? I am starting a job next month that I am so passionate about. I literally can’t wait.

It’s never too good! You deserve all the good things in your life!

A week ago I started a search for a community, a platform to communicate and share and I came across Steemit. Is it going to be another great choice on my path? I have a feeling;)

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