Do what you love... Love what you do


It's 2017, and so many are still stuck somewhere not doing what they love to do.

I was a direct/door to door marketer for 4 years. I learned so much and at the time it was what I wabted to do with my life. One day after finally reaching management and those 4 figure checks; I felt a pulling in my soul. That pulling was telling me, "Your not supposed to be here."

Instead of thinking about all the money I was going to lose out on, I choose to listen to that internal voice.
It was a one of the best decisions in my life. I set out on an adventure to find how I could express my deepest passions.

I've met and teamed up with performers from all across the world who are dedicated to taking there talents to their zenith.

For all who are hearing a calling to do something you really love, follow your drum and march to your own beat.

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