How to clean the energy in your house


Follow the moon

When there's a full moon, it's a great time to release whatever may not be serving us and it's therefore a time to reset the energy in your house, office, and even car. The full moon comes to assist us in this releasing by bringing to us it's powerful energy. A great ritual to have at this time is the use of White sage.


White sage is known to be the most widely recognized plant used to smudge; Smudging is the act of burning the plant and waving the smoke over or around to clear or clean one's space. For those of you who used or smelled sage it can often be overwhelming for people. If you find yourself in this category or would like to try something new I have a two alternatives that work well:

  1. Palo Santo-This is a sacred wood that comes from the magical Palo Santo tree, native to the coast of South America. Its name literally means holy wood, and it is just that. When it is burned, the smoke is believed to have both medicinal and therapeutic healing power. Its smell is pleasant and much lighter than sage.

2.My favorite is to burn a breaded sweetgrass. Sweetgrass is one of the most important Native American ceremonial plants, used by many tribes as an incense and purifying herb. Sweetgrass symbolizes healing, peace, and spirituality in many Native cultures, and braids of sweetgrass are sometimes left as offerings at graves and sacred sites.
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You can buy these items on amazon or at many spiritual stores. So while we have this powerful full moon in virgo go ahead and try out smudging. Let me know how it goes in the comments below.
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