Day 71 of lockdown..... This has probably been the best day of the last 2 and a half months!!!

Deconfinement for Mauritius as of from midnight tomorrow, Saturday 30th, has been announced by the Prime Minister tonight.

This means from Sunday the 31st of May 2020 we are indeed FREE to be out on the street once again. For the first time life will be back to some sort of normal..... Since 20th of March this year we've been in lockdown, total shutdown for 8 days and for rhe rest lockdown with curfew. It's been hard. Very hard. But... The government made the right decision to close borders right at the start. It means covid19 could be contained in a way. We've been free of new cases for 30 days, except for 3 in quarantine that's been brought in by repatriation but they haven't been in touch with locals which thankfully means they couldn't spread the virus.

Of course we'll be wearing our masks and practicing social distancing but we can once more live an almost normal life. No beach outings, big gatherings or movies yet but it's OK..... If no new cases are announced by the 15th of June life will continue as per usual with all facilities opening one by one.

It's been the longest eleven weeks of my life I'm sure. I think I've aged somewhat during this time. 😒😅

I can't wait to take a looooooooooooong awaited drive around the island just to be out and just because I can!! ❤️ (Legitimate) Walks will be back on schedule by Sunday... No more fear of being fined for being outside. No more staying indoors because I have to. Looking forward to having coffee with friends, dawdling in the shop not worrying about walking on the lines and finishing your shopping in a matter of 30 minutes. No more having to only leave the house honoring the alphabetical system in place and only being allowed out twice a week. How I've missed just being able to get in the car without worrying about it not being my day.

All freedoms we've taken for granted our whole lives. It was taken away overnight, we had to get used to a new normal. From next week that 'normal' will change again.

I'm going to sleep with a happy and peaceful heart tonight. To all our friends and family still in lock-down. Our thoughts are with you. ❤️

I took these photos yesterday rebelling a bit and having walked home via the beach from the local supermarket. 😊😅
Karolien - There Is Life After Kids - Mauritius Living

*Photo my own

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