About men with masks.... Day 66 of lockdown

Day 66 of lockdown... I woke up with the chickens this morning when the Xman came racing into my room calling me around 4 am to say someone's trying to steal stuff through his bedroom windows.


My first thought was he was coming to say goodbye to go to classes, then realized it's lockdown.. No one's going anywhere. Only the 2 twats that were out in early morning hours targeting our Street for soft target theft.

They couldn't get in due to the fact that we've got monster burglar bars but they tried stealing stuff all around the house through the windows they could open. Using a rake to try and pull stuff closer. 😂 Shocker... They didn't get much, only a shock when the Xman woke up and scared them off. When he pulled the curtains open there were 2 guys with hoodies and masks, trying to pull his stuff off his desk with a rake.

The few small things they managed to get through the burglar bars were obviously not to their taste and strewn around the house. Seems they targeted another house or 2 in our street as well.

Anyhow, we're all good. Sleep deprived but fine. It will make for a funny some point in the future I'm sure. It was a good wake up call as we've been so complacent living here and not in SA where such an incident would have ended much differently.

We'll definitely be more vigilant in future! No need to dwell on it. We need to also be more careful about leaving windows open though heaven knows we need to when it's so hot and humid. Thankfully they didn't get hold of anything valuable. Just junk which they left behind in any case. 😂

We've finally had some breakfast and our morning is sort of back on track. Still a bit worried about hubby's injuries although he says he's ok. Fortunately he'll be back home tomorrow. It's surely been an eventful weekend wow.

I'm hoping for a quiet rest of the day. Perhaps some Netflix binging and comfort food. 😂

Wishing you a beautiful day! Be safe!

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