Why Rose McGowan Is A Fraud

Social justice warrior or attention and money hungry fraud?

By now, you've probably heard a lot about Rose. Her "hashtag activism" has been at the forefront of the Hollywood sexual harassment scandals. After Rose came out and accused Harvey Weinstein of rape, many rallied behind her online sharing their own stories and using #RoseArmy and #MeToo. Thus, a new movement was born.

What I am having a hard time with is that after the alleged rape occurred, Rose took hush money from Weinstein in a settlement hearing.

That's right, instead of speaking out and empowering other women to speak out, Rose took her settlement and kept quiet for years. She didn't care about the movement, she didn't care about the safety of other women. She cared about getting paid.

Fast forward several years, once other women began to speak out about Weinstein, guess who decides to show up to the party yelling #MeToo? That's right.. Rose McGowan.

NOW Rose seems to have something to say EVERY TIME a man in Hollywood is accused. Which to me just seems like a desperate attempt to remain in the public eye. Funny how that works.

Oh, and guess who is releasing a book appropriately titled Brave? Rose McGowan.

Of course, none of the proceeds are going to women in need or anywhere else for that matter. All profits will go to money hungry Rose.

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