How to meditate


Choose a quiet place

Just like a convenient hour, choose a place where you not likely to be disturbed.
Quiet and peaceful surroundings can make the meditation experience for a beginner more enjoyable and relaxing.
2-Start with small time

Some great new data collected from users of the lift goal tracking app shows that most beginner meditators started with 3-5 minutes. Even three minutes can feel like a darn long time when you first start meditating, so you could even start smaller. For example, paying attention to the sensations of taking 3 breaths.
3-Comfortable positions

Your posture makes a difference too. Make sure you are relaxed, comfortable and steady.
Sit straight with your spine erect; keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the prbreaths
Keep a Relatively Empty Stomach

A good time to meditate at home - or in office - is before having a meal.
After food, you might doze off while meditating. However, do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry.
You will find it difficult because of hunger cramps or you may even keep thinking about food the whole time! In this case, you can meditate after two hours after having food.
4-Understand the principles of meditation.

Beginning meditators often think the goal of meditation is to get to the point that they can focus without becoming distracted.
A more useful goal is becoming aware of when your mind has drifted sooner.
5-Take deep breaths

This is again preparation for easy meditation. Deep breathing in and out as well as doing some nadi shodhan pranayama before meditating is always a good idea.
This helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind in to a peaceful meditative state.
6-Keep a Gentle Smile on Your Face

You will see the difference!
A gentle smile throughout keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances your meditation experience.
7-Reduce All-or-Nothing Thinking.
Realistically, there are only a small amount of people who will be willing to meditate on a regular basis.
Another approach is to do formal daily practice of meditation (such as the walking meditation) for an initial period, and then start just incorporating meditation into your day in informal ways

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