
Yes! I love you, yes I do but I feel scared to love you and I don’t know why I do.

Given up in love, make it feel unwanted, given up in love make it feel debilitated.


What’s the benefits of being displeased with soul and heart, what’s the benefits of being blemished with soul and heart even law cannot help, when it’s all about love.

All these puzzles are pointless, all these puzzles are worthless. Things you done are bootless, you made me hopeless.


You betrayed my heart, that’s the reason you are erased by heart. You cheated my heart, that’s the reason you are execrated by heart. You misguided my heart, that’s the reason you are disconnected by heart.

Why would someone think of erasing everything from heart, why would someone stop praying for the person from heart just because you have dissimulating from heart.


Time to stop betraying, time to stop cheating, time to stop ignoring, time to stop disarticulating, time to stop avoiding, time to stop pretending as it’s high time for rejecting.

Why would someone think of neglecting, why would someone think of dismissing, why would someone think of hating as you are not changing.


No matter what you do, no matter what you want as I have removed sorrows from heart. No matter what you feel, no matter what was your intention as I build my life with origination.

You need to know how much you hurt, that was good enough to cut. You are denounce, it’s time to jounce. When love is gone, end of the day you are all alone.


Spending spare time generated imaginative lines and capturing images build memories. Together if you add, it’s a good idea to share things in steemit.

Note : Context, content and photography credit goes to none other than me.


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