How Network Marketing (Kind of) Saved My Life

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I recently wrote a piece titled “How Network Marketing (Almost) Ruined My Life”. In it, I outlined some key personal experiences in that industry, and explained why I made the decision to stay as far away from the industry as possible. If you have not read that, I highly recommend you check it out before continuing on!

How Network Marketing (Almost) Ruined My Life

My beliefs regarding the industry have not changed, however, while it is not for me, personally, that does not mean that it is not something that should be avoided by everyone else.

Basically, if you think that I am going to continue to sh*t on the industry, you are mistaken. If that is what you were hoping for, then I apologize, however I do invite you to continue reading.

Regardless of the fact that I feel there is an inherent flaw in the exponential marketing business model, especially for those at the bottom of the pyramid, the bottom line is that our government recognizes the Network Marketing industry (also known as Direct Sales, or Multi-Level Marketing) as a legal and legitimate form of sales.

The real issue however, arises when amateurs (like myself) with no sales skills whatsoever are recruited on (mostly) false premises (fast money) and alienate everyone in our path in order to attempt to make a buck. Like any other legitimate business, basic competencies and HARD WORK are required for success, and there is no substitute for that.

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-Thomas A. Edison

If you choose to become an affiliate (or in the case of this industry, a re-seller), regardless of whether or not you choose to recruit people and attempt to build an empire, you have at your disposal a variety of products within your chosen company to sell to others. If you have any sales skills at all, you feel passionate about your products, and/or you use those products religiously, because you enjoy them or they help you to achieve a desired result, then I definitely recognize that this can be a lucrative business; provided you choose the right company and have the right products.

In my personal example, the fees associated with the first company that I joined were phenomenally inflated. In addition to that, the primary focus communicated to us was to recruit other people as affiliates, rather than to learn the skills required to sell products. It’s no wonder the company went out of business in a few short years.

In other Network Marketing experiences that I had after that one, I recognized my failures as my own: A lack of basic selling skills, various personal insecurities, inability to inspire trust, knowledge that I had already alienated my close friends and family, and the fear of approaching strangers, were just a few.

Recognizing my failures and shortcomings was humbling

In spite of that, some of these companies have some really great products, and I find it to be a shame that many of us choose not to experience the benefits of these products because of the marketing structure. If a friend approaches you with a great product, and they’re not trying to recruit you to sell it, then why not support them?

One of the companies had a vitamin product that worked wonders on my body, and I still purchase it to this day. I do not sell it, but it really is a wonderful product, and I choose to use it on its own merit. The good thing is, as a customer, and not an affiliate, I do not have an up-line of people putting pressure on me to recruit people and sell the product. That aspect of the industry definitely made it feel like a job… with multiple bosses.

In my original article, I said that the only tangible thing I received from Network Marketing was debt. After further examination, I can’t really say that is 100% accurate.

Even though I was left broke and lonely (queue violin) after my stints with Network Marketing companies, I am actually grateful for those experiences. I did meet many wonderful people who shared the same hopes and dreams that I had, and were willing to actually do something about it instead of sit back and play the lotto. It was also during my time in Network Marketing that I was introduced to life-empowering principles, such as creating vision boards and meditating.

Before I joined Network Marketing, I did not practice visualization and meditation.

The industry also (partly) served as inspiration for me to join Toastmasters International in order to learn how to become a better speaker, communicator and leader. I have been a member of the Toastmasters organization for almost 10 years, now, and the improvements I have made in my personal and professional life have been dramatic.

The negative experiences I had in Network Marketing shed light on who I was, and I did not like that at all. I had to take a long, hard look in the mirror, and realize that I had a lot of work to do, and a lot of skills to learn. Without Network Marketing, I never would have taken an honest look at my flaws, and worked to figure out what I needed to change in order to become the person that I aspire to be.

Even though I was not successful in the industry, I recognize that the lack of success came primarily from my own shortcomings. Network Marketing is a very humbling experience. If you are not ready for it or do not know what to expect, it WILL lay your insecurities out for the world to see.

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Sometimes it’s our failures that compel us to improve…

While I am no longer interested in what that particular industry has to offer from a money-making standpoint, and while I will gladly say “No Thank You” when approached, I admire those who are in the industry, because I know first-hand how hard that life can really be. I also have a deep respect for those who are not only in the industry, but who are thriving while actually enhancing the lives of the people they encounter.

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