Steemit.......a new purpose in life.

Hey I was sitting around thinking about it and Steemit is something I never dreamed about doing.

This is an amazing platform to share and introduce new ideas and concepts to like minded people. kids are going through a phase of being anti veg at the moment....well so they thought.

My mommy friend Jules gave me the most life changing advise....colour match veg to their favorite food.

She makes an incredibly delicious mac and cheese.....and grates butternut into the the dish so that the kids think its cheese......

And the kids are none the wiser when you make mashed potato with cauliflower mashed in with it.

Never under estimate your creativity when hiding veg in other food. It can be done. I also encourage my kids to try something new as often as they can. My younger daughter has discovered that she likes sushi abd avocados, my problem with her though is getting her to eat fruit, she point blank refuses to eat fruit at all (I would love advise on how to jump over this hurdle).

Till we chat again

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