Quick info, my dogs and what's next

Hello everyone! :)

I was gone for a few days, and I would like to apologize for that. I was working and I had some family business to take care of. Also, I am going on a holiday with my boyfriend in a few days so I have a lot of preparations to do. We are going on Rab, an island in Croatia. Since I have an apartment there, and I can basically go there any time I want (well almost any time), I decided that I would take 2 weeks off and just chill for a bit :)
Anyway, I really didn't know what to write about after my introduction post, so I decided to show you my dogs (yes, dogs xD) and tell you a little bit about them. They really are a big part of my life, since I do live in an apartment and can’t really go anywhere without thinking will they be okay. I mean yeah, sure, they can stay alone and yes, they can take care of themselves, but still,.. They have to have food, water, the room can’t be to cold or to hot; and they have natural need, and the last thing I need when I come home is apartment full of dog shit. Also, if you have pets, then you know that when you do go somewhere, especially on a holiday, you have to make sure they are taken care of. You can’t just go for 2 weeks and leave your dog/cat/mouse/turtle/fish alone.

So, before I start to ramble again; these are my dog:

The small one is Bubi. He is 15 year old and I would say he is more a cat than a dog, and I guess that would be because he grew up with cats. I got Bubi when I lived in Zagorje, from my principal in elementary school. When I saw him, he was the smallest one in his brood, and was the only one that was white. His sister, Azra, later ended up at with my grandma in Bjelovar. When I brought Bubi home, he was introduced to my cat, Žuti (“yellow”; and the cat was orange not yellow, but I was 5 when I got Žuti and I wanted to call my cat yellow, so,…) who wasn’t really pleased with small dog in his house. But with time, they became inseparable and Žuti though Bubi everything. Where to sleep, eat, not to pee in the house (it didn’t really helped, he peed in house a lot), which cats are allowed in our yard and with aren't; but also some other things,.. So today I have a dog who does bark but also purrs, climes everything (well he did clime, now he is 15 y.o., so he can’t anymore.), he likes to sleep on people, or at least next to people, like to eat fish or anything sea related, hates water,.. Also, I don’t think I ever heard anyone/anything that size that snores as loud as he. I swear...

And next to him is Tobi. I adopted him for a shelter about 3 years ago, so everything I know about him I know for what people who work there said about him. He doesn’t have a tail, his ribs where cracked and his nose was broken. When I brought him home, to my apartment in Zagreb, he was afraid but also interested in everything. TV, phone, beds, table, chairs, but most importantly, Bubi. I was afraid they would fight, they are both boys, Bubi is old, and I brought a new dong to his territory; but I was wrong. They are getting together amazingly. They sleep next to each other, eat together, protect each other,… Tobi is really friendly dog. Maybe a bit to friendly in my opinion. He loves people, likes other dogs, and is really, really happy dog in general, which is really surprising, when you consider what he is been through in his life.
I don’t want to bother you with more information, If you want to know more, fell free to ask :)

I am planing on posting a new post in a few days, regarding the new Shazam trailer. My personal opinion, a little review and maybe some fun facts. I don’t know, but we'll see :D
And before I go, I would just like to thank everyone for your support for now. I am really blown away with everything about Steemit. I am still learning, every day I learn something new, but the community here is something I really didn’t expect. Everyone here is so welcoming, opened, nice,.. I didn't experience or see anything mean or rude or anything like that. For a platform with so many people, that’s really impressive. So again, thank you all for being so nice to me and to each other. You are awesome!

Bye-bye, for now :)

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