Often we will feel some powerful emotion following actions such are when someone provoke, saying or done something bad to us. This emotion is called anger. According to American Psychological Association (, anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.

When we feel angry, we will either expressed our anger by shouting at someone who do us wrong, or by simply keeping it to ourselves and getting mad at them silently, or worse thing that could happen is by hitting them. According to conflict resolution in education (CRE),, the three general types of anger expression are aggressive, passive and assertive anger.
Aggressive anger: Anger expressed in this way is directed at the other person to hurt him/her emotionally, physically or psychologically. Yelling, put-downs, and hitting are examples of aggressive anger.
Passive anger: A person internalizes the expression of anger when he or she avoids dealing with the situation that contributed to feelings of anger. The anger can then be expressed by getting even, holding a grudge, or being mean at some time in the future. Spreading nasty rumors, not speaking to the person, and damaging property can be examples of passive anger.
Assertive anger: This is usually the best way to communicate feelings of anger because anger is expressed directly and in a nonthreatening way to the person involved. A statement such as "I feel angry when you ..." is an example of assertive anger.

Everyone feels anger. It does not matter at what age you are as we are only human beings. However, we need to know what kind of anger that we have so that we know how to deal with and what ways we need to apply if it is out control.

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