How Many Bubbles are in a Bottle of Champagne ? #Winefacts n°1

Have you ever tried counting bubbles in a glass of Champagne ?

One of the things that makes Champagne more sensual and enjoyable drinking experience is their effervescence. In fact, the bubbles not only alter the feeling and taste of the beverage on your palate, they also provide a sound experience as the bubbles pop. The number of bubbles in your bottle of Champagne has a direct effect on your experience of it.
Too many bubbles and the slight tickle at the base of your nose would become irritating, prohibiting your ability to drink sniff, sip and enjoy your glass in peace. Too few bubbles and the bottle will be lifeless and flat, as will the contents' flavor.


But how many bubbles ?

Well, we know that in a normal 750mL bottle of Champagne there is around 5 liters of CO2.
(note that the bottle also contain 750mL of liquid too !!)

Wich mean that for around 7 glasses per bottle, we have 0.7 liters of CO2/glass.

And we know that 0.7 liters of CO2 are potentially 11,000,000 bubbles.

  • Potentially ... why ?

When the bottle is opened 80% of the CO2 escape directly, and there are only 20% left in the liquid.

In one glass of approximately 10cL (100mL) there are 2,000,000 bubbles !
What about the entire bottle then ?

A normal Champagne bottle is 75cL (750mL), so If we have 7 glasses with one bottle and after some really hard maths the result is :

14,000,000 bubbles / bottle


77,000,000 potential bubbles / bottle

False fact busted !

A popular thing is to say 10,000,000 bubbles or even more per glass of Champagne, but as we just saw it's not taking the fact that most of CO2 escape directly when the bottle is opened.

Thanks for reading this !

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