SETTING ASIDE THE PHYSICAL PAIN (Going to bed at level 10 and waking at level 1)

For the past few days I have been over doing and pushing myself to the point where I knew I would be paying the bill for this soon, last night the bill became due.

"Twinges" became stop in my tracks shooting pain to the level of sucking in my breath and hanging on to a wall to keep from dropping!

Link to one of my blogs on history of it:

By 8:00 last night I knew I was flat out done for the day, the shooting pain had turned into loss of feeling in the right side from hip to foot (thoughts of buying a wheelchair flitted around in my brain) and I knew a fall would happen soon.
Kissing the floor was not something I felt like doing, but it does keep you focused on counting the steps before it happens!

With spinal damage comes intense nerve damage and in spite of all the damage I can still walk (which is a blessing) and function on a limited bases (learning those is another life chapter).
So with my loss of feeling the nerves flamed up into full assault mode (1 being ok I got this, 10 being where is the gun) I went for my Ghost Pipe!

One of my greatest mentors in my herbal walk is Darryl Patton (a walking encyclopedia) link to his web site:

This is a man very comfortable in his own skin, if he told me try this (no matter what it was) I would without batting an eye!
I am very truthful to the point many would think I was jesting if I said I was loading a gun to end the pain (yup pain will get you to that level). Well I made that comment to Darryl and after us going thru a long to me dialog of everything I have tried (99 prescribed drugs and yes all at the same time) he said I have one I want you to try and he over nighted it to me out of his own pocket (Know many people like that now days?)

What he sent me was a pint jar of a royal purple liquid (just about a life time supply for me) called "Ghost Pipe" (Monotropa uniflora).

His instructions on dosage:Take 3 drops under the tongue and wait 15 minutes and do another 3 and keep doing that till I "FEEL" it working.

Inserting a pdf:

Now most folks will give you an odd look when you tell them it sets the pain to the side... You can see it and know it is still there but it is not riding on that last nerve (some folks understand what the last nerve is) where you pull the trigger (I am speaking reality folks).
What I won't tell you is all the technical areas of the body it concentrates on, let google scholar: ( ) be your friend if you want to know more ;-)
This does not cloud or muddle your brain and I have given it to cancer patients to offset their pain.
It works in the brain where all the nerves come together.

And yes just 3 drops of this magical gift has moved me back to Level 1 today...

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