There Is An Unforgiving Future Coming

Technology has opened up opportunity and information like never before, but there will come a time when the people who have not embraced technology will have a hard time making a living and competing in a word with robots and digital systems integrated online. The future is coming.

Everyday there is a new article about autonomous cars. See one here...

What happens when that technology is embraced and starts to take over? Almost 2 million people in America make their money driving trucks, postmen, pizza delivery, Uber and hauling freight. If autonomous vehicles take over, that could over a million jobs lost. 

News comes out often about robots in all kinds of industries. They have already transformed factories and with the cheap labor in China destroyed the American factories that led us through the first 75 years of the 1900's.  Soon robots will start creeping into the food & beverage industry, into the fast food industry, into the military and police forces, private security, shipping, teaching and probably the largest... healthcare industry. 

In the relatively near future, technology will replace millions and millions of jobs and even places like Walmart will not be immune. Amazon and online shopping is destroying retail all over America. When Amazon can find a way to deliver almost everything within 24 hours, even places like Walmart will have to scale back and cut jobs.

The hardest hit will be the lower class. Normally entry level jobs are the drivers, the fast food workers or Walmart. What happens when those options become less and less in demand? 

There is an unforgiving future coming and we need to find a way to prepare for it. Learn skills that make you valuable for the future that is coming and not the present you are in.  

What do you think will replace the millions of jobs that will be lost due to technology?

To my followers, you are the STEEM in my engine. 

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