Life is About Balance

Life is about balance. Finding that perfect balance between doing and being. The balance between getting things done, and being one with the universe. It's about getting in touch with your soul. It's about being able to complete your human tasks, but still remaining present and knowing what is really important in your life.
Here are 7 Things that are perfect for your soul:

  1. Reading - There are so many amazing books in the world that can help you expand your mindset and assist you in rising to the next level of consciousness and happiness. Learn from the greatest teachers in self development, happiness and spirituality and apply what you have learned in your life.

  2. Gratitude - Gratitude is the greatest power on earth. Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to instant happiness. It is impossible to feel low when you are grateful and everyone can find something to be grateful for. Start every morning by writing 3 things you are grateful for, write those things down so they sink into your subconscious and really feel those feelings of gratitude. Then watch as your life gets better and better and BETTER and every day you find more and more things to be grateful for.

  3. Meditation - Meditation is perfect for your soul because it makes the mind quiet. When you can silence all the unnecessary self-take in the mind and become still even for a brief moment, you connection to your soul is at it's peak. Even 5 minutes of silent or guided meditation each morning will make a huge difference in your patience and feeling of peace. Aim to work your way upto 20 minutes of meditation everyday.

  4. Compassion - Compassion is perfect for your soul because it reminds you this life is not all about you. It's about giving and understanding. Knowing that all humans go through difficult times, and nothing is personal. It's about seeing the good in others. Seeing others for who they are, not their reaction and imperfection. Who can you show compassion towards today?

  5. Laughter - Laughter and genuine happiness is essential to a complete and fulfilled soul. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not taken so seriously. invite more play, jokes, laughter and fun into your life. Hang around with those light hearted, fun people who don't take things so serious.

  6. Kindness - Exactly What this world needs more of. the unconditional kindness that can only come from those with a pure soul and a special heart. Everyday ask yourself- who were you kind to today, and who will you be kind to tomorrow?

  7. Being Lighthearted - Lightheartedness and living in a state of non seriousness for anyone seeking inner peace and happiness. This doesn't meant to turn blind eyes to pain and suffering in the world, or that you don't care about the issues in the news, it means while you are with your loved ones, you are present, not taking or vibrating negative energy from the past. Not anxious of possible negative events in the future. It means living NOW. Enjoying NOW. Loving NOW and being free from caring what others think. Let go, be lighthearted and live this day with all the joy you can let out. Let your joy spread like a virus..... Infect all those who see you, this day and every other day.

Enjoy a happy life.....

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