Will Steem Survive 2019? To Question is to Think.

Our journey to determine whether steem has a chance in hell of surviving 2019 with a 36% inflation rate and commie censorship stalkers like @bloom continues. As a scientist, which @bloom certainly is not, I know something all science students know. That is NOT to drink the laboratory ethanol.

Good ethanol can be found in beverages produced by our lovely friend yeast, it is safe to drink and makes us happy. Laboratory ethanol is NOT safe to drink. It contains benzene. I'm not sure if that's because of an alternate source like the petrochemical industry or the process of purifying it to laboratory grade. Either way, it contains benzene and should not be consumed. We know either: @bloom is a nonscientist with no clue whatsoever; or was a bad, failed scientist who imbibed from the reagant stock when the professors weren't looking instead of going out to a bar to meet real living humans to lose its virginity to.

This is the nature of chemical (laboratory) reactions. They contain artifacts totally unrelated to the desired final product.

Another example of undesired contaminants would be catalysts. These help speed up reactions or encourage reactions which would otherwise not occur in their absence while barely being consumed themselves. It has to do with orienting the reactants in a geophysical formation that overcomes the transition state. Popular catalysts are metals. The human body contains metals, even lead, but they are sequestered in the active site of proteins called enzymes which are nature's catalysts. Ingestion of any kind outside of a normal diet is toxic.

In this series we have already covered the innate infection rate of vaccines. Here we cover contaminants, whatever the source.

Again, I have never had to make this choice myself, I haven't had any cute little babies yet. I do not envy those in the position to make this decision, I do not have a strong opinion either way, and I would never chastise a parent for their final decision. The choice is not easy.

The question remains. Should parents have the right to keep needles out of their children's bodies?

Is this a conversation you can have on steemit without censorship?

And don't tell me flagging people to oblivion is not censorship with your "it's still on the blockchain" bullshit. It's censorship. Being shaded, having to click reveal, having to click show, not being able to use pictures (branding) in your posts because your rep is too low, this all leads to fewer views and is censorship.


So what about it? Can we have a flag free conversation?

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