The Censorship Industrial Complex: the USG vs. America

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Amendment I

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

In the USA Congress passes laws that direct the United States government to affect and control American citizens. The Congress is constrained by the Constitution as to what powers the United States government can exercise, and the First Amendment prohibits the USG from abridging the freedom of speech by prohibiting Congress from passing laws that direct government to censor people.

The prohibition in the First Amendment is not just against banning people and deleting their posts. It prohibits even abridging their words.


"1. To reduce the length of (a written text); condense: synonym: shorten.
"2. To limit; curtail."

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

The United States government is not empowered under the Constitution to even remove one jot or tittle from the words we speak or write. As we have learned from the Twatter files, the traitorous USG has usurped that power anyway. In a glaring example of fascism, immensely powerful corporations have aided and abetted those traitors in that crime.

Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi testified before Congress today regarding what they know about that treason. Dr. Robert Malone cross posted the transcript of Shellenberger's testimony to me today. There's a PDF there you can read all 68 pages. I'll only excerpt briefly below.

"...government officials have been caught repeatedly pushing social media platforms to censor disfavored users and content."

"...the U.S. government has funded organizations that pressure advertisers to boycott news media organizations and social media platforms that a) refuse to censor and/or b) spread disinformation, including alleged conspiracy theories.

"The Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington, the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika all have inadequately-disclosed ties to the Department of Defense, the C.I.A., and other intelligence agencies. They work with multiple U.S. government agencies to institutionalize censorship research and advocacy within dozens of other universities and think tanks."

The above excerpts are testimony to treason. Treason is a capital crime, punishable by death.
Everyone that has done this, that has participated in censoring Americans at the behest of the USG and it's agents, is a traitor, and America needs to defend itself from domestic enemies that have endeavored to eradicate our freedom, and thereby our prosperity, and pursuit of happiness.

These are hanging offenses.

Upon further examination, these betrayals were committed in the effort to commit war crimes of genocidal biological warfare against Americans - every single one of us - and all humanity.

Never has there been greater need to prosecute treason, war crimes, and genocide committed against the American people. The Stamp Act increased the tax paid on stamps by 3%, and that was the crime that prompted our forefathers to rebel and take up arms against the government that ruled them.

This is incomparably greater justification.

No people can endure when their government is allowed by them to kill them with impunity.

We fight or we die, our kids die, and the dream of freedom dies with us.

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